Chapter Three.

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Chapter Three.

"Well, Ms. Aldridge, I think that you should be sent home to rest, you hit your head pretty hard," the nurse, Mrs. Jenson tells me.

I hate this small white room. I've never been the nurse's offices, it's just not my place. Any form of a hospital freaks me out and I prefer not to me in one. Hospitals are always cold, sad, sickly, and depressing. I mean, just think about how many people have died in hospitals.

"Okay," I reply. I can walk home it's not that far of a walk.

Mrs. Jenson turns to Noah and says, "Mr. Fletcher, I trust that you can see to it that she gets home alright?"

"Yeah," Noah says.

"Okay, she'll be drowsy for a while, but you can't let her go to sleep. The hit may have caused her to get a mild concussion," she explains.

A grin slowly spreads across Noah's face. "Will do."

She writes something down on two slips of green paper then hands one to each of us. I look down and read it. Both of the slips are dismissing us from school. I'm going to have so much make-up homework when I get back to school tomorrow. I hate missing school. I might not have that much homework because I'm ahead in a lot of my classes, but you do miss a lot even if it's just a couple classes that you miss. Not to mention that I have a detention today. Oh well.

I walk out of the nurse's office and back into the empty hallway of school. "You know, I can get home by myself, you don't have to take me," I tell Noah nicely. The only reason I'm being nice is because I'm hoping that it'll get him to leave me the hell alone.

"You heard what the nurse said, I can't let you fall asleep," Noah replies.

"Yeah, well, I have a really bad headache and I don't feel like dealing with you right now," I say as nicely as possible.

"Tell me, Em, does it get tiring?"

My head scrunches in confusion. "What?"

"Being nice all the time, kissing peoples ass? Any of that ring a bell?"

"I'm not nice all the time, in fact I could be very mean to you right now if I wanted to, but my head hurts too much."

"Oh, please, you couldn't be mean to me even if you wanted to."

"Why's that?" I ask.

"You aren't the type, me, I'm a 'say what's on my mind' kind of guy and you; you're a 'say what's on my mind, only in my mind' kind of girl," he explains.

"You're so-"

"Irresistible? Charming?"

"Asinine," I correct. It is impossible to describe how much I hate Noah. Don't get me wrong, when I say I hate him, I mean it. I don't mean that I'm secretly in love with him because that is NOT the case. When I say I hate him I mean that if him and I were on a cliff, I'd push him off. Hands down.

Noah slaps his hand across his heart, acting like I just hurt his feelings. "Ouch, Em, that one hurt."

I roll my eyes at him. There's not a word strong enough to describe Noah. I finally reach the doors of the school and walk outside. I should've went to my locker to get my jacket, New York is started to get cold again.

Noah drapes a lazy arm over my shoulders. "I'll warm you up," he says, grinning.

I gently push his arm off of me and reply as nicely as I can, "thanks, but I'd rather freeze."

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