Chapter Seven.

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Here's chapter seven!!

You will either love this chapter, or hate it, depending on who's side you're on.

I want to give an elephant sized thanks to all of my new fans, and all of the comments, and votes! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! I WAS UP TO # 2 ON THE WHAT'S HOT LIST, WHICH IS FREAKING EPIC!

Oh and I absolutely LOVE all of your predictions. None of you are that right, but a couple of you have come close...

OH and during this coming week i'm going to try to post a chapter b.c next weekend, i won't be able to, i'm going out of town with some friends for one of our friend's sisters wedding....yeah, um, it's in Arkansas...has anyone ever been there? OH and not to mention that i'm taking my drivers test this tuesday and i hope to the god of the roads that i pass, otherwise i won't be able to drive my car, i'd have to let my crazy friend Vanessa drive...yeah, she has a little case of the...road rage? Lol. so yeah, that's what's going on with that...

ANYHOOSER, here's the story...i hope you love it!!

Oh and here's a picture of Noah...yeah...i just realized that his chararter on Glee(my obsession) is the same as in my story. But i wanted both of the Fletcher brothers to have Jesusly names because of their moms religious reasons...yeah. And i thought that Matthew and Noah were the hottest Jesusly names. I'm probably going to hell for using Hot and Jesus in the same sentence. LOL. but anyways... This picture, my friends, would be MARK SALLING. I know he doesn't have blue eyes, but it's called and imagination and USE it! Lol.

Matthew is MATT COHEN (AGAIN, not on purpose with the name, i just saw him on TV and was like, THAT'S MY MATT. LOL), from South Of Nowhere.

Emi-is Elisabeth Harnois.

Chapter Seven.


I wake up in the morning to my stupid alarm clock ringing on my nightstand, for the fourth time. I press the snooze button, but it won't stop, so I sit up and pick up one of the shoes that I wore yesterday and start banging on my alarm clock, until it stops. That worked, who knew Gucci could be so useful? Here I thought that they were just annoyingly expensive and uncomfortable shoes that make annoyingly loud sounds against the ground. I guess they aren't so bad.

I lay back in bed, knowing that I'm not in the mood to go to school today. I don't even know why I set my alarm clock, I never get up to it. I'll hit snooze until it just stops altogether and then wake up on my own, so I'm rushing. I'm an amazing procrastinator, I wait until the very last minute to get up.

I've never skipped school before, but I really don't feel up for going today. It's a Thursday which is really like Friday-eve, basically just a teaser. I don't want to go to school today, I can't go to school today. I need a break from all of the Fletcher's, especially the parentals, they are so Matt-Emi happy, not to mention that my parents are coming home tonight, so I need today to recuperate and get my saneness back.

The more I know that I can't actually be with Matt, is the more I want to be with him. But no, instead, I'm a gay guy's poor, pathetic groupie. I need help, seriously. Do you think that they make a GGA? Gay Groupies Anonymous? Maybe I should take my inheritance and open up a program down at the Y. Wow, the fact that I'm making up programs in the AM, is even more pathetic. I need more sleep.

The bed's shaking. Why is the bed shaking? And who's shouting? I open my eyes and find the culprit jumping on my bed. Why the hell is Noah here? Wait, is he...moaning?

"Noaahh!" I groan. "What the hell are you doing here? And shut up, people can here you!"

He stops jumping and gets off, but sits on the edge of my bed. "Get up," he says. "Matt sent me over here to make sure you were up because you weren't over at the ass crack of dawn with your over excessive pep," Noah explains.

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