Chapter Ten.

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Chapter Ten.

I don't know if I should be creeped out at the fact that Noah is able to get in my room so easily, or think that it's kind of cute that he did this.

Boys are weird.

And not to mention Matt, he's so...bipolar. Tonight he kissed me and I'm fairly certain that nobody was around, watching. Maybe he just does it because he knows that it doesn't mean anything to him, unlike me who reads entirely too much into it.

Maybe he's not gay and just needs the right girl to prove that to him, is what I wish was going on in his head, but no. The only thing that keeps me calm about Matt being gay is that if I can't have him, no girl can, which sounds really mean to think, but if it can't be me, I'm glad it's no other girl either. That would kill me even more.

Both of the Fletcher brothers are screwed up.

I crawl under my covers and right as my head hit's the pillow; I lose the battle against my eyelids and they flutter shut.

-Next Morning-

"Emily, are you awake?" my mothers voice chimes from down the hall.

Well, if I wasn't , I am now, no thanks to you, I reply in my head. "Yeah, mom, I'm getting in the shower, I'll be out in a minute!" I reply nicely as I throw the warm covers off of me.

I stumble sleepily into my bathroom and turn on the hot water in the shower. I take off my pajamas and get in, letting the warm drops of water engulf me in heat.

Once I'm done, I step out, dry off, then wrap a long towel around me. I quickly brush my teeth at the sink then wipe the steam from the mirror. I wipe the leftover eyeliner and mascara from yesterday off. I'm not going to wear makeup today. It's Friday, and I really don't care.

I blow dry my hair and straighten it, letting it fall in long locks around my shoulders.

I get dressed in a pair of dark denim jeans and slip a white boyfriend tee shirt on. I put a long black beaded necklace on, just to dress it up. My mom hates it when I'm not dressy and when she's actually home, I have to act according to her standards.

As I'm walking towards the door, I slip my feet into a black pair of black ankle boots, with a slight heal on them. Again, with the shoes, if I don't wear the right ones, nothing will stop my mom from speaking her mind.

I grab my bags and head downstairs, controlling my shoes from making annoying sounds, something Natalie should really learn to do, but it's like she wants people to know that she's coming.

SHIT! I forgot about last night and what Noah and I did to Natalie! What if she knows? She will seriously murder me. Oh my gosh, this can't be good...

In the kitchen, I see my mom and dad sitting at the table eating breakfast. "Morning!" I greet, happily.

"Good morning, Emily," my mom says.

My dad looks up from his newspaper to reply, "Morning, sweetheart."

I grab an apple off of the counter and bite into it. "I'm leaving for school," I remind them, walking out of the kitchen.

"Oh, Emily, could you be home at a reasonable time tonight, your father's having a very important dinner party," my mom tells me. "You'll need to be on your very best behavior, so hanging around the other Fletcher boy is unacceptable."

I nod. "Sure mom."

She smiles. "Great, I'll put the dress you'll be wearing in your room, okay?"

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