Chapter Five.

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Chapter Five.

The next day when the bell rings, signaling that school is over, I get really excited because it's Friday. Then I quickly go back to being bummed again after realizing that I have a stupid detention. It's detention on a Friday, none the less. Not to mention that I've never even had a detention, I don't exactly do bad things. All I did yesterday, was answer Mr. Kenning's stupid question and he gives me a detention for it? That's retarded. I wasn't passing a note, texting, being obnoxious, I was just sitting there, thinking.

I make it to Mr. Murray's room, which is the detention teacher, well, I don't know if what he does actually qualifies him as a teacher. I mean, all the guy does is sit in a room and watch kids be bored, he doesn't even teach anything, but whatever. Mr. Murray is this big chubby guy, who's also a hall monitor. When I say chubby, I mean it looks like he eats twenty massive tacos twice a day. Mr. Murray is probably the reason that some of the classrooms have double doors and not just one.

I take a seat right by the door, as far away from the other people as possible. Can you believe that I'm the only girl in here? How, weird is that? Do they not give detentions to girls? Well, of course they do, but for no other girl to be in here is just my luck.

I fold my arms on the desk and lay my head down. I know you're not supposed to sleep in detention, but I'm early and Mr. Murray isn't even in here yet, so I'm going to sleep until I'm told to do otherwise. My head still hurts from yesterday and there's a little bump where I hit it.

Then somebody taps the desk really hard, making my head shoot up. I look to see none other than Noah. Why me, God?

"Noah, what are you doing in here?" I ask him as he sits in the desk right next to me.

"Today was my fifth tardy, so they gave me detention," Noah answers simply.

"But we were on time-" I cut myself off. "You knew that I had detention today, you're here just too bug the hell out of me, aren't you?"

Noah grins, "yeah, but I also got held up in the girls locker room with Tinsley."

Slut. That's convenient, now Tinsley can say that she's been with both of the Fletcher brothers. "Ew," I say nonchalantly. Noah gets in trouble for being tardy to class, but not for hooking up with a girl in the GIRLS locker room. That's great, what is wrong with the school system these days?

"Yeah, and bugging the hell out of you was just a bonus," he winks at me.


"Oh, I have something for you," Noah tells me and shuffles around in his backpack for something. Do I even want to know what it is? Watch it be something completely gross, like his collection of used condoms or something. Noah pulls out a book and hands it to me. I read the title, The Lord of The Flies.

"How did you-"

"I've taken Pre AP English 2, I figured that's what you were looking for," he says.

"Oh," I manage to get out, kind of astounded. I don't really know what to say. "Thanks?"

"See? Told you I can be nice."

"What were you even doing in the library yesterday?" I ask him.

"I heard that Natalie was coming back from her vacation or whatever and just took a quit detour to the library to dodge her," Noah explains. "Talking to an ex is breaking a rule, but her being a cold hearted bitch might have a little to do with it."

"If Natalie's a cold hearted bitch, then what exactly does that make you?" I reply, smiling.

"Haha, very funny," He says sarcastically.

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