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My life was amazing

My mom was a doctor at the most famous hospital in Los Angeles and my dad was an officer who sometimes liked to sing and record songs in the little studio we had in our house

Everyone in our neighborhood and the ones who knew us described us as the perfect family and I couldn't agree more

Being an only child and not having anyone to play with while they weren't home made my parents spend more time with me than usual parents do when the both of them work

It was always like this

Me going to school and them to work in the morning, spending lunch together before they had to go back to work and in the evening going out for dinner and an ice cream

That special routine changed one day

I had just turned 15 and I was going to the usual Starbucks where I always had lunch with my parents

Mom wasn't there but my dad and I thought nothing about it because she probably had an emergency at the hospital

Once I returned home I went to my bedroom to take a quick nap but as I was about to enter my room I saw the door of the bedroom of my parents slightly ajar so I went to see if mom was in there

I entered the room and saw the closet open, my mom's clothes were missing

I started to panic and turned towards their bed only to find a letter resting on the pillows

With shaking hands I read it, letting the tears fall after every word I read

I heard the front door open so I ran downstairs, tightly hugging my dad

After he read the letter he told me to pack my things as he booked a one way flight to Miami where we had a house for the summer

After that day we never returned to Los Angeles

I never knew what happened to mom and I never forgot the fact that she left us

From that day she became a stranger to me

Hi guys. This is the prologue to my new book. I hope you'll love this one as much as you loved the first one (*silently hoping you loved that too*😂) Tell me what you think about this and if you want vote and comment. Love you guys

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