Chapter 8

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*The day after*


"I'm dating Lauren Jauregui"

That's the first thing I think about when I wake up the next morning

I can't believe it

First she was my idol, still is obviously, then thanks to my dad she became one of my best friends, last in just a month I've developed feelings for her and now she's my girlfriend

Pretty crazy right?

After getting up and dressing myself I make my way downstairs towards the kitchen

Lauren is cooking bacon and eggs and it smells delicious

I sit at the table waiting for her to notice that I'm here

After a few seconds she turns herself towards me and smiles and my heart does backflips at the simple action

"Good morning baby girl" she says giving me a peck on the lips

"How did you sleep?"

"Good, where's my dad?" I ask

"He went to the studio just 20 minutes ago. He said he'll probably stay there until tonight" she says meanwhile placing the plates with our food in front of us

"So...we have the house for ourselves, what do you wanna do?"

"Well I was thinking we could watch some movies and after we could bake a cake or cookies. I've always wanted to do that but I've never got the chance to" she says

"Sounds okay to me"


We finish our breakfast, wash the plates and sit on the couch in front of the tv

"Lolo can we watch some Disney movies? Please, please, please" I ask doing my best puppy dog eyes

"Stop, you're too cute" she says pinching my cheeks

"And yes, we can watch Disney movies you little kid"

"Perfect, go pick the movies. I'll make popcorn"

When I return from the kitchen I see four movies placed on the table in front of the tv

"Which one do you wanna watch first?"

"The Aristocats! It's my favorite one" I say clapping my hands like a child

We sit on the couch and start watching the movie


After three movies Y/n fell asleep in my arms so I turn the tv off, stand up and take Y/n

She automatically puts her arms around my neck and her head on my shoulder

I walk upstairs towards her bedroom so I can put her on the bed

After I put her under the blankets I decide to go grocery shopping and buy the things we'll need to bake the cookies

When I'm back home the first thing I see is Y/n sprawled on the couch, looking at her phone

"Where did you go?"

"Buying some things to make biscuits" I say

"Yay, let's bake together"


When we're done with the cookies I place Y/n on the counter and go in between her legs as she locks them around my waist

"You know you're perfect right?"

"I'm far from perfect Lauren" she answers looking down in a way I can't see her mesmerizing y/e/c eyes

"Hey, don't ever hide your beautiful face from me" I say putting my thumb and index finger under her chin

I pull her face towards mine and I kiss her with all the passion and love I have in me

I think I'm really starting to fall for her

Hello everyone, how are y'all? Today I had the first exam to get my driver license and I passed it 😍 now all I need to do is to learn how to drive and do the other exam 😂 btw this his the eighth chapter. If you want vote and comment, love you lots 💕

My idol is my stepmother? (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now