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Rose point of view

🤪: Rose!

🤪: Rose!

🤪: Rose!

U: Yeah, what's wrong?

🤪: Nothing?

U: Then why are you texting me so early?

🤪: Nothing, nevermind

U: I am sorry, I just woke up like 10 minutes ago and I already had a fight with my mother. I am just in a bad mood. It has nothing to do with you

🤪: It's okay

U: And now, why were you really texting me?😂

🤪: 'Cause I am bored and I like talking to you

U: Ow how sweet. I like talking to you too

😴: Okay and that's enough for today

U: Oh are you jealous?

😴: No why?

U: I don't know

😴: Rose you're annoying...

U: Nothing I don't know..

😴: Rose...

U: Okay okay, I get it. I'll quit

😴: Thank you. It's nothing personal, I am just not a morningperson

U: Me neither, so don't worry

😇: Okay Rose, we like talking to you

U: It's okay. You can go.

Twinnie👫❤️: How do you know we have to go?

U: I have no idea. I just thought it would be something like that.

🤪: Okay bye Rose. We love you! ❤️

U: Bye guys, I love you too! ❤️

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