And he didn't belong

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(part two of the second chapter, I also started writing in 2 pov)

Max lifted the cup of coffee that went stale and brought it to his mouth
Max exhaled as he sat down the mug and left for bed
Another day wasted
Max layed down knowing he wouldnt get much sleep that night

Not with the fear of having the same nightmare

He would really need to talk to jasper about it


Jasper woke up in a cold sweat
around 6 am

He wasnt supposed to be up for another 2 hours

He couldnt get him out of his mind

Jasper tried to slow his breathing
And he felt the start of a panic attack he quicky went to the bathroom to splash water on his face

His hands gripped the counter as he tried to control his breathing

Jasper couldnt go back to sleep

Everytime he closed his eyes
He saw him


Jasper broke down on the floor
Sobs wracked through his body

He remembered the last time he smiled he remembered his eyes his laugh

And then he remembered the fear in his eyes the scream the last time his feet touched the ground

Jasper remembers the last time he saw him

And then the blood

Jasper calms down an hour later

He takes a shaky breath and carrys on with the day he just hopes no one notices the tears running down his cheeks

No one cares anyway

Why did david have to die

Why couldnt he had died instead


Jasper didnt want to live with the guilt

It was to much

Jasper didnt think he would get sleep for a long time


Neil poked at his food not feeling hungry as he heard nikki going on about nature or something like that
Neil could only watch as max walked in grabbing stale coffee
And sitting in the corner of the room alone

Nikki was know stuffing quartermasters half edible potatoes in her mouth

Neil pushed away his food
He noticed something off
With max
He tried to ask nikki but she assumed it was max just being max

Neil tryed to ignore it but he felt concerned for his freind

Max looked tired

Neil would have to talk to him about it later


Max had the same nightmare again
For a week now

He didnt know why or how to make it stop but he hoped for it to stop soon he just wanted to sleep withought waking up scared

Max didnt know how much longer he could take it

What scared him more was that the boy looked strangely like jasper

Max was afraid to fall asleep he tried not to but he couldnt live off of coffee forever

He would talk to jasper soon

He had to

Hi just wanted to update something before i left for my cruise so ill be gone for a week this is part two from the second chapter so here you go!

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