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{A\N okay so i wasn't going to update  but i had an idea so here we are}


Nothing but silence could be heard
In camp campbell

Except for davids talk sleeping about birch trees, 

The campers are asleep
Wich is rare for most of the campers,

Everything is quiet 

But if you walk closer to the end of the island all the way till you reach the docks

All the way untill you see
spooky island

You won't only see it, but You'll know the truth

What happend at spooky island is something you dont want to know

Only one person could tell you what happend

But only if you listen not only with ears but if you open your eyes
You'll understand

And if you walk far enough you will see him or whats left of him

And if you listen carefully maybe you'll hear the cries and the weeping
Of the souls that were tortured there long ago

But you have to understand you cant help them for they are only souls

You can help by listening
And maybe they'll tell you where their body lies

And you can give there souls peace

And if you come across a kid
With blonde hair

Keep walking for it isnt worth it
He gave up

He believes that one day
His friend will come to rescue him
He doesnt know why his heart stopped beating

He believes it was his fault hes stuck there on that island

Jasper the friendly innocent kid
The kid who would do anything to help his friends

The kid with blonde hair and freckles

The boy with stars in his eyes

Jasper the camper who's fate ended
To early

He sits on edge and he waits for his brown haired friend

He was alone
But He belives one day he'll get to say
Goodbye to his best friend

And untill that day he'll wait

He'll wait for him

Jasper wipes his tears on his sleeves
He'll sit here forever if he had to
Because davey was worth it


A\N hi okay so i have no excuses i just havent felt in the mood for writing lately but im back
I just want to say thanks for all the votes and comments and ill try to write more!

~Jaspvid OneShots~Where stories live. Discover now