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A/N: This log is really significant to me, so it would mean a lot to me if you would pay attention to these words. Thank you.

I want to die.
That phrase has been plaguing my mind relentlessly. So many people use it so regularly that sometimes it holds no meaning; it's empty. It depicts such a toxic thought and concept with such simple words.
I want to die.
That phrase comes to my mind at least once or twice each hour. I can't escape it. Many times it comes in different words, yet they all convey the same message.
I don't want to be here. Theywon't miss me. I'm not needed. I'm useless. Nobody wants a fag. Nobody needs a sensitive prick.
You see? They all project the same energy as the aforementioned phrase. And to think my mind is filled to the brim with them. Curious, isn't it?
I want to die.
I know I'm not special. Too many people all too well know these same pains I feel. Too many people can relate to having those intrusive thoughts. And it hurts. It fucking hurts to know so, so many others feel the same agonies and urges that I do. Yet, it's comforting all the same, to know I'm not alone, although it may feel like that at times.
I want to die.
There it is again. And again. And a-fucking-gain. Why won't it go away? No, let me rephrase that. How do I make it go away? I have one idea. It's not one most would take up on, yet I feel as if I'm constantly inclined to. I hope I don't do it, yet I want to.
I want to.

I want to.


I want to die.

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