Chapter 23

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Excuse any mistakes I'm so tired. This is really just a filler.

Chapter 23


Rell felt when Layla yanked all the sheet to herself leaving him freezing on his side of the bed. He looked over at her and tried to yank the sheet back.  She was knocked out drooling all over the pillow yet she held on tight to sheet. She had trouble falling asleep and ended up drinking some Zzzquil to aid in sleeping.

Rell resisted the urge to kick her off the bed. Instead he pulled her closer trying to snuggle into her body heat.

"Stop," she groaned. "You making me hot babe."

"And you making me cold as shit," he responded with attitude.

Layla pouted. "Sorry," she said once she realize she had once again taken all the sheet. "You just need another sheet."

"You need to know how to share and stop being so damn greedy."

Layla looked at the time. "It's already 6 in the morning. I'm going back to sleep."

Rell saw his phone flashing and saw that he had five missed calls from the hospice facility. "Shit," he said as called back.

"What's wrong," Layla asked alerted.

"It's Chanel."

Layla immediately hopped out of bed to change out of her pajamas. "Let's go, don't wait for them to answer. I'll get Maddi."

Rell followed behind her once he received no answer from the facility. He sent a quick message to Jace telling him to meet him.

Within ten minutes, the trio was out of the house driving to the hospice. Layla held Rell's hand as she prayed the entire way over. Deep down inside she knew that Chanel was gone. She had a nagging feeling all night and tried not to think negatively. It was troubling her and affecting her sleep. Working in the medical field, Layla saw it all. She knew of a few patients that seemed to be getting better at the last minute then died sooner than expected.

She kissed the back of Rell's hand and looked back to check on Maddi. Luckily Maddison was still sleeping.

Rell stayed silent the entire trip. Once they arrived he collected Maddi and held hands with Layla as they entered. The lobby was colder than usual and there was a sadness in the atmosphere. The trio approached the front desk where stood a familiar nurse, Mrs. Gomez. She was one of the charge nurses of the hospice facility, who handled Chanel's care from her admission.

"Mrs. G," Rell called out to her.

She looked up with tears in her eyes. Rell stopped abruptly and began shaking his head.

"No," he whispered. "Nah stop playing. What the fuck man."

Maddison awoke and started to cry. "Dada."

As much as Layla wanted to burst into tears she knew she couldn't. She had to be strong for Rell, Maddison and mostly Chanel and herself. She pulled Rell towards the sitting area, allowing him to fall back in the chair. She slowly took Maddison from his grasp and began calming her down.

"It's okay babygirl," she cooed. Layla held her against her chest, swinging her as though she was a newborn. The sound of Layla's heartbeat reduced Maddison's cries resulting in her falling asleep.

Mrs. G brought her a blanket and Layla laid Maddison down on the blanket and positioned Maddison's head to lay on her lap. 

Rell was rocking back and forth not allowing for reality to set in. Layla turned her attention to him and held his hands.

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