Chapter1 The Antarctica Sisters

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Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia in any way or form! But I do own this awesome plot!! And North and South Antarctica sisters are my OCs. Danke for everyone's help that helped me. ^J^
{Alicia's POV}
"C'mon sister!~" I said happily
"I'm coming!! I can't believe we finally made it here!" My sister said happily back as we laughed like we're drunk on vodka, but we're not. This is our first world meeting and we are sweating like dogs. Cause we are in America and it's about 100 degrees and we're way over dressed for this weather since we are use to the colder weather like it is all year round in Antarctica. I'm N. Antarctica, she's S. Antarctica. We are sisters, best friends too!
We walked into the world meeting room. There was a booming loud German voice that could only be Germany telling everyone to quiet down. My sister smiled at me knowing that I could make the perfect German accent and she knew that I can speak some German and that I also act like Germany sometimes.. The next voice we heard of course had to be Americas cause it was loud and rather obnoxious and saying that 'I'm the hero!'
It was a bunch of voices yelling arguing and chattering we then went completely into the world meeting room. I saw Russia there and me and my sister both smiled at him he didn't see us. We are both now looking for Canada and of course Russia is using him for a chair. England was of course arguing with America. Germany was yelling at everyone to settle down, but for once it wasn't working. Italy was sitting beside Germany, singing the song he made for him. Me and my sister looked at each other and smiled and mouthed to each other 'I ship GerIta so hard'.
We finally get tired of waiting.. Well I do anyway. So my sister went to get everyone's attention. "Ahem! Excuse me." She said politely not wanting to be rude about it but that didn't work so I tried something.
"HEY!! CAN ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?! OR ARE WE JUST THAT FUCKING INVISIBLE?!?!?!" I shouted everyone stopped talking and yelling and arguing and in Italy's case singing. They all looked terrified of me, I bet you my dark aura is around me. Russia looked at me and smiled as he always does and he got up off of poor Canada and walked over to us.
"Privet comrade." He said smiling holding his hand out to shake it to me.
"Privet, comrade Russia." I greeted smiling taking his hand shaking it.
He then went over to my sister and said "Privet comrade." He greeted her as he did me holding his hand out so she can shake it.
"Privet, comrade Russia." She smiled shaking his hand. Everyone looked at us in awe.
"What?" I asked they just shook their heads not answering my question.
"Vho are you?" Asked Germany
"Me? I'm N. Antarctica." Answered smiling.
"Vhat about her?" He asked pointing to my sister.
"I'm S. Antarctica." My sister answered
"Ve~ welcome Bella's!" Italy greeted us smiling.
"Danke!" I replied smiling.
"Yes, thank you." My sister replied smiling.
"You're welcome!~" Italy said smiling
"So, what did we miss?" I asked
"Oh we just got started actually. Why don't you have a seat?" Asked England he was eyeing us curiously.
"Ok." We replied in unison
"Why don't you sit by me da?" Asked Russia smiling.
"Which one of us?" Asked my sister.
"Both!" He smiled
"Sure why not." I replied going to a seat next to Russia. My sister as usual she followed me.. Like she does everywhere. Sits in the seat next to me so that I'm in the middle.
"Ok vhere vere ve?" Asked Germany
"It was England's turn dude..." Said America
"Ok." Replied Germany nodding towards England to give him the ok go ahead to talk.
"Thank you, but I think we should learn more about the two new countries..." England replied
"Yes, I agree." Said Austria
"As do I." Said a woman that could only be Hungary.
"Me too." Replied Japan calmly
"Ohohonhon~ as do I." Replied France me and sister shivered knowing who France is and what he does.
They all agreed that they wanted to find out more about our country. I looked at my sister. "Do you want to start or should I?" I asked her.
"You..." She replied feeling a bit shy I could feel it and see it by how she was clinging onto me more than usual.
"Ok, well our country is like Russia's." I said "it's cold all year round, always snowing it seems..." As I said this they all were looking at us intently wanting to know more about our country. Even Russia was looking at us.. Or was it just me he was staring at?? He was of course as always smiling. I don't know why everyone is so scared of him he's just so adorable.
A/N Before you use my OCs would you please ask permission? Cause I would like to keep them as mine, but as long as you have permission and say who the two characters belong to in the first chapter you use them in. I'm sure I won't mind, but please ask me first. Da? ^J^ I'm also ending the chapter here see ya soon! And yes!! S. Antarctica will have a name sides that one. And then she will have a human name also. So please be patient thanks!! Asta la pasta!!~

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