Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


The weekend went by too quickly. I slept most of Saturday away and I spent my whole Sunday morning at church. All the while trying to smile through the "you're growing into such a beautiful young lady" and "I can see God working through you" comments.

Walking through the school halls with teenagers, I shook my head. How do they do it? Look so normal? So hot? So perfect, without the type of problems I have? That my whole family has. My brother Ryan has his OCD which makes him a terror-to-be whenever he decides he's coming to visit. Whatever sanity my family has is soon destinguished when he comes.

I smile at all my friends and everyone I recognize as I pass them. A smile is what they want. So I can give them at least that. I empty my books into my locker and glare at the image looking back at me from my mini mirror. I look dead tired. Like someone rolled over me with a steam roller, poured cement on me, dug me out and then tried to cover it up with make up. Oh well... another day.

I walked down the hall towards my best friends locker. She wasn't there so I set work at her lock. If I could only remember the combination I could turn her lock backwards on her. She hates it, but would know it was from me.

I tried unlocking it for the billionth time and just as I was about to give up I got it. "Finally."  I whispered.

I looked back down the hall and saw her coming. Her smile bright as always. "Caught in the act."

I half-smiled back and said "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Nah, 'cuz I didn't just see you opening my locker and turning it backwards again" heavy on the sarcasm.

"Of course not. Why would I do that?"

"I don't know you answer me."

"So how are you Maggie?"

She shrugged. "Been better. I have a science test today."

This time I did smile. "Yeah so do I, first period. Yours is after lunch. And I'm going to fail at it. Again."

"Only if you think like that! You're not stupid."

"Easy for you to say. You get 90 % in everything."

"That's not true. I get a lot of 80's."

"Pfft. Whatever."

We walked towards the foyer where our group hangs out. I looked around at the crowd. Jordan, Desiree, Taylor and Christina. Walking over to Christina I saw her wearing her pink headband with her curly hair up in a ponytail as usual.


"Hey." That was about our conversation for the day. So before the moment could get akward, I turned away and looked for someone else to talk to. A groan of exasperation caught my lips when I saw my ex-boyfriend Kyle.

He's the sweetest guy I have ever met. But he has got to learn how to back off. When we were dating he was always at my heel, following me around. He'd be at my locker waiting for me to get there. It was cute at first but, like I said I'm clastrophobic. He was suffocating me. I had never broken up with anybody for real and it took me the longest time to say it. When I finally did, the look on his face was so heart-breaking. All he could say was "why?"

And I couldn't answer. Not without hurting his feelings. I was his first girlfriend. Now however, I wish I had told him. He's been following my freind, Light, in his stalkerish way. She never understood why I broke up with him. All she could see was how sweet he was. How much he cared about me. Now she understands.

Light has been my best friend since grade five. After all her boyfriends and friends that have left or changed, I've been the one there through it all. She's like my sister. I know secrets about her nobody else knows. Secrets I couldn't tell anyone if I wanted to. I'm there when she needs someone to talk to but I would never talk to her about anything serious. She just doesn't really care that much about other people's problems. I know that if I ever desperately need her she'll be there.

Even though I might be dying on the inside.

Kyle was standing beside Light asking her questions nobody would ever want to be asked. She looked annoyed. I do feel bad for her but maybe now she'll stop trying to get me back together with him.

The bell wrung and I walked to class ready to fail my test. Sitting down in my seat next to Light, I sighed. Really loud.

"What's wrong"


"Okay." Simple as that she believed me. When had anything ever been wrong with me? When had I ever had real relationship problems? Real family issues? Real religous chrisis'? Real depression? As far as Light knew, never. 

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