Chapter Nine

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"Lukey baby, wake up. I have to go to rehearsal." said Ashton slowly shaking Luke awake. Luke was still asleep in his chest small huffs coming in through his nose and out through his mouth. He looked so peaceful  and away from reality that Ashton couldn't figure out if everything that had happen that last two days was real or just a fragment of his imagination.

Holding this handsome man in his arms told him it was real. That he met this tall boy at a concert and that now even after such a short time he feels that their hearts are connected. Ashton shook Luke's shoulder softly and scratched his scalp with his fingernails. Luke opened his eyes up slowly, reveling his blue eyes to Ashton. He blinked up at Ashton, putting him in a trace as he stared at those beautiful eyes.

Luke sat up slightly and shook his head to shake off the sleep in his mind. He reached to the side searching for his notepad.

'When are you leaving?' the paper read.

"Well, now. It's a thirty minute drive to rehearsal." Ashton told him his fingers still massaging Luke's head.

'Okay. Will we see each other again?'

"Of course. Our time together has been great Luke. I'll do anything in my possible power to make sure we cross paths again." Ashton said. Then took out his phone to check that everything was set for today's concert. It was the second to last concert and part of the three that took place in Sydney. Since this was their hometown, the first show was sold out instantly and they realized the more concerts the bigger the ending to their tour would be. Also, this way their family members had time to make their way down to the venue.

'Have fun at your rehearsal Ashton. Do you want any breakfast?' Luke loved cooking, especially for other people since he knew whoever ate his meals would be impressed by the great taste.

"Sure. Let's make something together." Ashton smiled at him. Luke's face lit up as he practically skipped to the small kitchen in his apartment. He was the only one that really used it since Andrea was always out. 

Luke looked around his fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs and some ham. He grabbed his notepad and wrote down instructions for Ashton to do. 

'Cut the ham into little squares. Sprinkle salt and pepper as I scramble the eggs.' Luke wrote for Ashton to see. Ashton nodded with a smile and the two got to work acting like a pair of synchronized swimmers as they worked together yet apart on the meal. 

Luke mixed together the eggs, shaking his body along with the movement, causing Ashton to stare profoundly and almost cut off his finger as he cut the ham. Luke's stared at Ashton's precise movements and smiled at how seriously Ashton was taking the situation. It made Luke feel genuinely special that Ashton choose to have this time with him. 

When it was all done, they sat at the table and talked/ wrote about their current occupations. While Ashton was, of course, a singer in a international sensational band, Luke was a college student majoring in Literature and Writing while working as an online helper for those that are going through hard times. 

'It's an online website, where people that are suicidal, depressed, or even just anxious about their day can go on and talk to someone anonymously.' Luke explained. He felt very passionate about his job, while it didn't pay much, he felt rewarded that he is able to help out people that are in a dark place. 

"Wow, that's fudging amazing Luke. You're such a caring person. I'm so glad I met you." Ashton told him while placing his hand on Luke's thigh under the table. "And you're a great cook." 

Luke blushed and placed his hand on top of Ashton's in his lap, and even though it was difficult, they both finished their meals with only one hand, wanting to keep the physical contact and proximity. 

"I'll take the dishes." Ashton said, picking up the dirty dishes and starting to wash them as Luke cleaned the table. Luke, being a fanboy, has had many dreams about him and Ashton living together, married and going through their lives together but always having meals like this even when life and their careers got busy. He smiled as he wiped the table, seeing he was living a version of his fantasy. 

As he finished, he turned to throw away the used napkins in the kitchen trash can and bumped into Ashton. Ashton caught him by the arms as Luke almost tripped on his own feet being a clumsy tall boy. 

Luke smiled as a thank you and stared into Ashton's eyes who smiled back. Luke stared at the prominent dimples in his cheeks and the messy hair that kissed the top of his cheek bones. Luke has been this close to an Ashton poster before but never the real thing and as Ashton seemed to zoom in like a picture in his computer Luke realized what was going on. 

Ashton was coming in and closing his eyes, letting his eyelashes feather his under eyes. His cute nose touched Luke's and he moved his hands, that were in Luke's arms, down to his waist slowly, filling Luke's arms with goosebumps at the touch of those big strong hands on his small waist. Luke felt his heartbeat in his ears and the whole room seemed to grow brighter around Ashton. He came close - so close until Luke felt the breath huffing out of Ashton's mouth warmly on the top of his lips. 

But, nothing seemed to go Luke's way as they heard the front door handle shake. Ashton pressed his lips lightly and quickly to Luke's perfect nose and stepped away to where the dishes were as Andrea entered the apartment. 

"Hey Luke. Wow, Ashton, you're still here." Andrea exclaimed looking nervous. But who wouldn't be in front of a handsome celebrity?

"Yes, I'm about to head out to rehearsal actually." Ashton said looking more nervous. He did mean it when he said that Luke's twin sister was scary. "Bye Andrea. Bye Luke. I'll text you." Ashton said as he seemed to rush out.

As the shutting of the front door echoed around the apartment, Luke felt his heart shake and empty knowing he was so close yet so far away from the touch of his idol's lips. 

Any thoughts? Just some fluff. 

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- r. b. 

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