Chapter One

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Luke woke up in alarm when he felt his bed move and sat up straight as fast as possible. He looked up at the person who was jumping on his bed and his heart slowed down when he saw it was his sister.

"Luke!" Andrea exclaimed. "Today's the concert!"

He chuckled, but no sound came out. He grabbed the notepad beside his bed and his pen.

'Yes, I know. I've been waiting for this for a long time. Now, please stop jumping on my bed' he wrote. He handed the notepad to his sister and she stopped jumping and sat next to him.

"I'm just very excited. They're my favorite band and they're yours too. I just can't wait to see them live." she said.

Luke grabbed his notepad and wrote, 'I'm excited too. It's gonna be amazing. I can't wait to see Ashton Irwin live. I'm sure he's prettier in person.'

"God, you're too gay to function." Andrea laughed.

'Mean girls never gets old, but you do.' Luke sassed. Andrea slapped his shoulder but laughed. 'Now please leave because I'm going to take a shower.'

"Okay. Don't jerk off to Ashton Irwin." Andrea teased.

'I won't promise anything. Ashton Irwin is gorgeous.' he wrote before getting up and walking to the bathroom.

He took a nice, long hot shower. And yes, maybe he did jerk off to Ashton Irwin, because who wouldn't?

He dried off and went back to his room to change. Luke wanted to look nice. A small part of him wanted to catch Ashton's eye, but he knew that was impossible. He put on a red plaid shirt and black skinny jeans with black vans shoes. He put his hair in a quiff and winked at his reflection in the mirror.

Luke thought as himself as handsome. He just wished he could talk and maybe that way he could attract boys. You don't attract to many boys when you're mute and can only communicate by writing down what he wanted to say in a notepad.

"Are you done yet? We have to be at the venue at 3 if we want to buy merch. The lines are super long." Andrea warned him through the door. Luke opened the door and Andrea wolf whistled at how handsome Luke looked.

"Don't you look lovely." she laughed. "I made you some eggs and bacon, because we both know how much you love eggs." she winked and Luke blushed. He walked to the dinning table and quickly finished his food.

Andrea walked downstairs with her purse in one hand and Luke's notepad and pen in the other. "Don't forget this little brother." she said. She was only 10 minutes older but she always seemed to find a way to make fun of him. He nodded as a thank you and grabbed the car keys.

The twins made their way to the car and started to drive to the venue. Luke turned on the radio and if he could squeal, he would because a 5SOS song came on. In the passenger seat, Andrea sang along and Luke wished he could sing with her. He sighed, he's always wanted to sing.

Before the accident, he used to play the guitar and sing, but now that he can't speak, he can't sing. He doesn't even play the guitar because it makes him feel sad remembering the old days.

They got the venue and Luke parked the car as close as possible. The two got out and had to wait outside in the long line, mostly full of girls. Andrea and Luke stood silently outside, both listening to music on their phones and Andrea was texting her friends excitedly.

Luke didn't have any friends. He only had Andrea and occasionally he would go shopping with her and her friends. Luke's best friends were music and books.

The line started to move and Luke held on to Andrea so he wouldn't lose her. They showed the lady at the enternece their tickets and she let them in. Luke quickly ran to the merch stand and Andrea followed him along. They stood in line for 20 minutes, the line was huge, but finally Luke got two 5SOS shirts and a poster. Andrea a shirt and shoved it in her bag.

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