Chapter Five

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Dedication: littlefrenchnialler. All I can say is thank you so much. xx

Ashton had drove out to the edge of the city to a secluded park. It was nine p.m. It was already dark outside and the moon and the stars were shining. He grabbed a blanket he always kept in the back and both him and Luke laid down in the grass staring up at the pretty moon.

Luke started to use the notes app of his iPhone instead of his pen and paper considering it was too dark outside to read.

'Tell me about yourself Ashton.' Luke typed then showed.

"What do you want to know?" Ashton asked him with a goofy smile.

'Anything really. I just want to get to know you.' Luke typed.

"Okay. Well, my name is Ashton Irwin. I adore music. I love my family. I enjoy performing every night in front if a screaming crowd that know all the lyrics to out songs. I'm bisexual but prefer boys because they have nice butts." Ashton giggled. "There's really nothing else to me. I'm a pretty plain person. Tell me about yourself."

'My name is Luke. I'm eighteen years old. I love music too, especially your band. I love my sister. I am openly gay, and yes, boys do have nice butts. I enjoy writing and one day I want to be a published author. Writing is the way I express myself, considering I can't speak. And I find you quite extraordinary.' Luke showed Ashton, the last sentence making Ashton smile.

"Well Lukey, I think we are gonna become best friends." Ashton giggled. Luke nodded yes in approval. "Are you crushing on anyone?" Ashton randomly asked.

Luke shook his head in a no. Ashton blushed at that. He thought he might be developing a small crush on the mute boy. But who wouldn't? Luke is beautiful and intriguing and, yes, he did have a nice butt.

"Do you know that you're beautiful?" Ashton asked him. Luke fiercely blushed and looked up at the moon not wanting Ashton to see him blushing. Luke looked back at Ashton when his blush died down and again shook his head in a no.

"Well you are." Ashton told him and giggled. Luke smiled. "I love your smile."

'I like yours too.' Luke typed. 'A lot.'

"Thank you." Ashton said. A comfortable silence dropping between them as they stared at the stars.

"What do you look for in a boy?" Ashton suddenly asked him.

'I don't look for much. I just look for someone that makes me happy and that could be my best friend. I want someone I could have deep conversations with at 3 am and kiss whenever I want while listening to music. Someone who's always there for me and that will love me just as much as I love them.' Luke typed.

"That's beautiful." Ashton said in awe. Luke had a way with words.

They turned to their sides to stare at each other. Each thinking the others eyes were more captivating and beautiful than the stars. Luke thought Ashton's eyes sparkled and Ashton thought that Luke's eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue. The kind of color he would paint his wall just to be able to see it everyday.

Luke smile was something that was driving Ashton crazy. It was beautiful and radiant and just so so pretty.

"I love your smile. Please don't ever stop smiling. It's beautiful." Ashton told him.

And that made Luke smile even more.

"I think this is our place." Ashton said.

And it was.

• • •

Afterwards, Ashton took Luke to seven eleven. Luke got a small box of red vines, his favorite treat. His sister always told him they were gross, but to Luke they weren't, they tasted great. Ashton got two glazed donuts, his favorite, and he hoped Luke would like them too. He paid for everything at the cash register and they headed back to the car.

It was 1 am by now. They had spend four hours at the park talking (or typing) about everything and nothing. Ashton was just so intrigued by Luke. Everything he did just seemed so interesting to him.

Luke had texted his sister saying he will get home late so she wouldn't worry. She texted back very inappropriate responses of what they were doing. Luke frowned but waved it off.

Him and Ashton sat in the car seat. The window in the roof car open so they could stare at the moon and stars. It seemed to be something they loved to do now. Luke brought a red vine to his mouth to eat before Ashton gasped.

"Give me one!" He said, excitedly. Luke nodded and watched as Ashton ate it and moaned at the great taste. "I love these."

'I do too.' Luke typed. 'They're my favorite candy. My sister thinks they're gross.'

"I feel you. Michael, Calum and Marco hate them, but they're my favorite too. Do you like glazed donuts?" Ashton asked Luke. Luke nodded excitedly and grabbed the one Ashton handed him.

Twenty minutes later, Luke was resting his head in Ashton's lap as Ashton played with Luke's hair. Luke yawned and made a cute sound and Ashton had to resist from awwing out loud because damn, Luke was adorable and so pretty.

Luke's eyes started to close as Ashton softly played with his hair. It was just such a relaxing touch soon enough he fell asleep.

Ashton made sure the car was off and locked before he rested his head against the seat and dozed off to sleep as well. That's how they spend their first night together. Sleeping in Ashton's car in the parking lot of a seven eleven.

• • •

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. (:

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