24 | Let's Fast-Forward Some Things

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Friday, 2:03 PM

Two days later, Taehyung has adjusted himself in the hard seat in front of Jungkook's ward, tapping his feet in anticipation for the younger to emerge out of the room.

Jimin and Yoongi hyung were slumped next to Tae, exchanging small talk in low tones since a lady doctor have already thrown a murderous look their way when the two had to crack up at a joke Jin hyung (now long gone) have told, something about a group of cows or other.

Just then, Jungkook limped out through the door held by a flustered-looking nurse, a victorious grin hooked on his lips, his eyes gleaming with joy at his recovery. Taehyung jumped to his feet first and hurried by the younger's side to support him by placing a hand through the thin linen of the clothing on the latter's back, smiling gingerly.

Jimin hid his laugh in a voluntary cough as Jungkook smiled grateful at Taehyung, both giving him a pointed look after that.

Taehyung, not done, stared over at Jungkook while the four trudged out of the hospital after checking the maknae out, "Shall I tell you a story, Kookie?"

Growing pink in the face at the nick, Jungkook hummed and nodded, getting in the shotgun seat of his car as Tae hopped behind the steering wheel.

"Once," he said, shooting a suggestive look at Yoongi hyung and Jimin at the back, "I saw two people making out in our club's basketball's locker room. The end."

Yoongi hyung murmured, apparently unimpressed, "Just because you can throw shade and swear around doesn't mean you have grown up." Jimin let out a huge snort at the burn, slapping Tae's seat's back with crinkled eyes.

Chortling charmingly, Tae winked at the still blushing Jungkook, hitting the gas. It was going to be a long ride back.


The six young men waited in their usual seats in the living room of the Namyoonkook apartment, Taehyung accompanied by a heavy-looking suitcase, tapping his fingers at the metal part, hanging about with a blank face.

He checked the time on his wristwatch and made a face, looking around at the other five guys who were engrossed in their so and so devices. Yelling out and making Hobi hyung flinch, he called, "Jungkook! The boarding time's not gonna wait for you!"

Yoongi hyung snickered as he puts aside his phone, Taehyung asking in puzzlement, "Hyung, what's up?"

He responded through his adorable gummy smile, "My oemma just told me she is glad she picked me up from under that bridge and she is proud."

Blown away, Tae only stared at him.

"She is joking, Taehyungie," explained Namjoon hyung, chuckling at the fact that he took the sentence too seriously, now plugging in his earphones and crossing his feet to listen to music to kill his time, Jin hyung taking one to fit it in his ear, too.

After hundreds of years have gone by and Taehyung was pretty sure his shave has lost the effect, Jungkook joined the six with a large backpack being dragged by a finger tucked in its hook, the bearer grinning ever so broadly.

Before Tae could, Jin straddled over to the youngest and took the backpack for him, smiling genuinely. Jimin slapped Jungkook's back out of affection, only to be kneed lightly (though, efficiently so.) He high fives Hobi hyung as they all surrounded him, Tae appearing at his side quietly.

Hobi hyung opened the door and sings in piercing falsetto, "Have a safe fliiiight!" The pair bid their goodbyes and quick hugs to each, Jin yapping back — something to do with protection... or other.

"Be safe!" He cried out desperately through the remaining gap just as Jungkook forcefully shuts the door, pink powdered on his smooth cheeks.

Taehyung realised he was (finally) alone with Jungkook again, and cautiously curls his fingers between Jungkook's, the other taking his moment to stare intensely as the air thickened around them.

Tae remembered the almost kiss and glances back at the door, pretty sure his hyung's ears were pressed against the wood on the other side. "Not now," he whispers softly, taking Jungkook's hand wholly as they made their way to the elevator, his suitcase wheeling behind him.

He was pretty sure he hated 'Not, nows.' Especially in Jungkook's... case.

Nodding, him and the raven-head silently got in the elevator, who began fixing his shoulder strap subconsciously, licking his lip as the lift's door shuts. Stomping his feet suddenly, he growls out, "Oh, screw it —"

He closed on to a wide-eyed innocent-as-ever Tae, placing one leg between his, wrapping his fingers behind the latter's neck and slamming him against the metal wall, taking his time to linger his eyes on the older's lips, which transformed into a sly smile.

Jungkook delicately pressed his lips against the unfamiliar shape of Tae's soft as feathers lips, inhaling his cologne and shutting his eyes as his brain melted at the feel of Tae against him.

Tae wandered his hands up Jungkook's head, tugging at his hair and feeling his lips vibrate at the moan by Jungkook that pulsed through his nerves.

They were glued to each.

A whole minute later — the elevator's door opened uselessly — Jungkook backed away, both grinning like crazy and gasping for air. Taehyung ran a finger at his now swollen lips, breathing out, "Was it your first?"

Stretching his lips, even more, Jungkook nodded, laughing lightly as he clutched his knees for support. "Was it yours, too?" He managed to ask.

Shaking his head violently in a yes, Tae wrapped his long fingers around the suitcase's handle tightly, both walking out to a taxi nearby. He sniggered like an idiot at the thought of Jungkook on him moments ago.

The younger, meanwhile, had recomposed his calm demeanour as the two settled behind the seats in the taxi, which was to take them to the airport. Jungkook gently puts his hand on Tae's thigh, leaning back and staring out of the window.

Something tells me he is not quite done, thought Tae, the area going hot by the other's stubborn touch.

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