Duel Relations

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As the battle continued, Yuma noticed the anger and rage who came from his opponent was fueled by a number card.

"I overlay earth armor ninja and flame armor ninja. With these two monsters, I build the overlat network and XYZ summon, number twelve, crimson shadow armor ninja!" Kazae summons.

"I hope Yuma and Astral have a comeback plan." Dawn thought to herself.

Yuma then got struck by an attack from number twelve. It is now Yuma's turn. "If I don't mange to take him out with my next turn, I'll be toast." Yuma mumbles.

"Pull yourself together, Yuma!" Bronk encourages.

"What that boy needs now is a pack of duel fuel." Haru noted. "Nobody can win on an empty stomach, right Dawn and Tori."

Dawn nods her head and Tori smiles. "We are on it. Come on Dawn." Tori says as she tugs Dawn along. A few minutes later, Dawn and Tori run out from the kitchen and toss you two balls of duel fuel. "Catch Yuma!" Tori and Dawn say together.

Yuma catches them both and smiles. "You girls rock!" Yuma exclaims.

Tori and Dawn give each other a high five. Yuma scarfed down both of the duel fuels and continue his battle. Yuma then summons his number thirty nine, Utopia. He then destroyed Kazae's number twelve. Kazae didn't take enough damage to loose and he used one of his overlay units to bring his monster back. Yuma then pulled out a trap card which allowed for Utopia's attack points to increase by 1000 and Utopia can attack again. Utopia made a successful attack and Yuma and Astral won the duel. Tori, Dawn, and Bronk all rushed to Yuma to congratulate him. Just as things were looking positive, Kazae picked up his sword and was about to destroy one of the statues. Yuma quickly darted in front of it.

"Get out of the way!" Kazae yelled at Yuma.

"I don't know what your problem is, but whatever it is, slicing this statue in two isn't going to solve anything. Master Roku poured his heart and soul into making this statue. You don't get to destroy it just cause you're having a bad day." Yuma explained.

Kazae sighed in defeat. "I just can't do it. From what I've been through, I just can't seem to trust anyone."

"You can still learn how my boy. There's always time to make up." Master Roku explained while patting Kazae on the back.

Everyone then left the building and walked outside.

"Kazae is going to stay here and continue his training." Master Roku noted.

"Maybe I can swing by sometime and we can have another duel. You can also teach me how to use that sword like a real ninja." Yuma happily exclaimed to Kazae.

"We'll see." Kazae noted.

Everyone soon left and headed back home. When Dawn got home, she immediately went to her room. "I wish I could duel Yuma, again. I'm still too sick to duel." Dawn mumbled to herself. She let out a huge sigh as Yuma past by her room to go up to his. He walked in the room and looked up at her.

"Hey Dawn, what's the matter? You seem upset about something." Yuma asked.

"It's nothing, Yuma." Dawn noted and looked down at his key. "I wish I could talk to you again, Astral." Dawn then looked back up at Yuma. "You should go up to your room and get some sleep. We have school tomorrow."

"Well, if you say so." Yuma shrugged. He headed past Dawn and up to his room. "I still feel like she's hiding something from me." Yuma mumbled to himself as he climbed into bed.

"Who's hiding something from who?" Astral asked as he came out of the key.

"It's Dawn. I think she is hiding something from me Astral." Yuma whispered to him.

"Is that so." Astral pondered. "I wonder if it is the things she's expressed to me and if it is, why is she more comfortable expressing them to me, than Yuma?"

"Well, I do have one idea." Yuma thought. "Maybe it's because she hasn't dueled in awhile."

"When was the last time she duel." Astral asked.

"It was before our mom and dad left. When she a little younger than me." Yuma explained.

"That is a very long time." Astral noted.

"Dueling makes her sick for some reason. We took her to the doctors to find out what is wrong, but they can't seem to figure it out. They only thing that works is if she doesn't duel." Yuma explained. Yuma sighed. "I must make her jealous."

"Jealous?" Astral asked.

"Yeah, jealously is when you envy someone. It's usually a bad thing." Yuma said.

"I do see your point, Yuma. Why don't you talk to her about it?" Astral suggested.

"She won't give me a straight answer. That's just how she is. She's kinda mysterious and a loner sometimes." Yuma noted. "In a weird way, she's kinda like you."

"Like me? Am I mysterious and a loner?" Astral asked.

"Well, you don't talk much." Yuma noted with a eye roll. "This is the chattiest you've been lately." Yuma let out a large yawn. "Well, I'm going to bed Astral. See you tomorrow." Yuma closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

"I wonder if Dawn is awake still?" Astral thought to himself. He flew down the little opening in Yuma's room that connected to Dawn's room. Astral noticed Dawn sitting at her desk with her duel deck in hand. "Yuma was right, she does miss dueling." Astral flew over to Dawn. Dawn got really flustered and surprised by Astral.

"Astral, what are doing?" Dawn whispered-screamed.

"Observing you." Astral calmly noted.

"There's not much to observe." Dawn chuckled. She then got up from her desk and walked towards Astral. Astral continued to stare at her. "Are you going to say something?"

"Why don't you admit to Yuma that you are jealous?" Astral asked.

"I'm not jealous of him." Dawn sassed back while crossing her arms.

"But you were looking through your deck. I know you aren't planning on dueling any time soon." Astral noted.

Dawn smirked at Astral. "But what if I am."

"I know you're not. You told me yourself, you fall unconscious when you duel." Astral noted to her.

Dawn turned her head away from Astral. "All I want is to be able to duel my little brother. I'll stop at nothing till I get to."

"What does that mean?" Astral questioned.

"It just means, I think I found someone who will allow me to duel again." Dawn responded.

"And who may this person be?" Astral asked.

Dawn faced back to Astral and sighed. "I wish I could tell you, but I don't trust you enough not to tell Yuma."

"Do I know this person?" Astral asked.

"You and Yuma should know this person." Dawn noted. "This might sound like a bad thing, but I want what is best for Yuma. I know deep down, he wishes I could be dueling right beside him. This is best idea I've got."

"Hmmmm." Astral replied. "I still don't like what you are planning."

"Okay, how about I make you a deal." Dawn suggested. "If you promise not to tell Yuma anything, I'll tell Yuma that I can see you."

Astral's eyes widen. "Is she serious? A few weeks ago, she wouldn't dare say a word, but now, she's willing to give it up?"

"So what is it going to be?" Dawn asked.

"I agree to your deal, however, I have to be a witness when you tell him." Astral noted.

Dawn smiled. "Well, I guess we have a deal."

"It appears so." Astral noted.

Dawn waved goodbye to Astral and climbed into bed. Astral floated there a bit longer. "Dawn, you really are mysterious."

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