Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

I took a deep breath preparing myself for my third day of school. Today was already a lot brighter then yesterday. I would only have to hide from one person today! Which, of course, was Louis. I shivered just thinking about him. That boy kept on popping up in my mind. One second I would be brushing my teeth, and the next I was staring off at the toilet thinking about him. That was an interesting conversation with Gemma explaining as to why I was staring at the toilet with a blush on my face. I shook the thoughts free from my mind and walked through the front doors and down to my locker. I put my combo in the locker and open it. I stuffed the books that I didn't need inside; when I was done I shut the door of my locker and came face to face with a beaming leprechaun. My breathing hitched and I jumped slightly.

"H-holy shit! You s-scared me, Niall!" I gasped with my hand on my heart. Niall just threw his head back and laughed. 

"Sorry, mate! But I got to tell you something!" Niall jumped up and down in his spot. I nodded for him to continue before he died of excitement. "You are coming to my house tomorrow for thanksgiving!" I blinked. He was joking right? I narrowed my eyes and studied Niall's completely happy face. No, it looked completely serious, if not a bit over excited.

"'re irish...and we're in England." I mumbled slowly, I was way beyond confused. Why would Niall celebrate Thanksgiving? That was something only Americans did, and according to our accents we must certainly weren't Americans. 

"So?" Niall shrugged not the least bit put off. "There's gonna be a bunch of food! Imagine the yummy, juicy turkey we get to have, and the stuffing! My mum makes the best stuffing! Oh, And we get to make the pies! There's gonna be five different types! I wanted to make eight different kinds but Mum wouldn't let me." I didn't know it was possible, but Niall managed to look disappointed and gleeful at the same time.

"T-that's too b-bad?" I tried to say but it came out more like a question. I raced my hand through my curls, getting some some tangled in my fingers alone the way. I winced slightly as I tugged my hand out. "I guess I-I could go."

"Great!" Niall jumped up and down then added as an after thought, "Oh yeah, we skip school so we can make the dinner early so we can eat at a reasonable time! I'm sure your mum won't mind! I mean, it's food!" Niall and I traded phones so he could text me the information then we were off to class. 

I was right, today was going to be a lot better day then yesterday. It was already lunch time and nothing has gone wrong. I don't think that I've ever had a day go so go before! During maths, I managed to find out that even Liam was skipping school for Niall's thanksgiving dinner. Apparently Niall throws it every year just for an excuse to eat more food. Which was perfectly fine with me, but I was extremely glad that Liam was going too. It brought me some peace knowing that he was gonna be there just in case anything went wrong. Don't get me wrong, Niall seems like a great guy, but it was just that I wasn't quite sure about him. I didn't think he was going to do anything mean to me, but there was just that little thread of doubt that I couldn't seem to shake in the back of my mind. I was walking down the empty hallway when someone interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey new kid!" I heard someone shout at me before I was slammed against the lockers. I groaned when my head hit the lockers with a clang. I looked up to see who it was that had their arm pressed against my chest to keep me smashed against the lockers. There were two guys, and both were huge. One guy had black hair with blue eyes, and the other guy, who was slightly bigger than the first, had brown hair with the regular brown eyes. I swallowed nervously when I saw them smile evilly. "Thought you could go through the next week without meeting us huh?" Blue eyes said. Both of them threw their heads back and laugh. I, however, stayed frozen to the spot. I was fucked. Well, so much for it being a good day today. He pounded my against the lockers again, causing me to hit my head yet again. "You're suppose to laugh when we laugh, you bitch!" He growled.

Brown eyes started to crack his knuckles. "I think we're gonna have to teach this one a lesson, huh Jake?" Brown eyes said with his eyes narrowed.

"You know what? I just might think you are right, Kyle," Blue eyes, a.k.a. Jake, sneered in my face. Jake brought his arm back then punched me in the gut. When I tried to bend over in pain and grab my stomach, Jake pressed his arm harder against my chest to assure that I stayed up straight. To insure that I stayed up, Kyle's fist made contact with my face making my head, for the third time that day, hit the lockers. I ground my teeth together, refusing to cry out in pain. Sure, this guys were strong, but they were nothing compared to Steve. Kyle raised an eyebrow.

"Looks like we got a tough guy here. I guess we're gonna have to kick it up a notch." Kyle nugded Jake with a smirk. Jake nodded in agreement then grabbed the front of my shirt and whipped me across the hall so I hit the other side painfully. I fell down to the ground and closed my eyes tightly getting ready for the pain. I felt a pang of intense pain when one of them kicked me in the ribs. I tensed up waiting for the next one that was surely coming.

"Hey, Jake! Kyle! Stop it!" A voice barked roughly at them. Everything went deadly quiet and I slowly opened my eyes. Tension hung in the air as the two guys glared at the guy who told them to stop. The tan skinned boy glared even harder right back. He looked oddly familiar. "Harry's off limits."

"Says who, Malik?" Jake snapped clearly unhappy about being stopped. My eyes widened. Oh yeah! That was Zayn Malik, Louis' friend. Shit, Liam told me to stay away from me. But he's helping me isn't he? Unless he wants me for himself...

"Says Louis." Zayn growled looking ready to rip Jake's head off. I looked at Zayn confused. Says Louis? Did Louis seriously tell him that I was off limits? Why would Louis care if I got beat up? Jake and Kyle mumbled some unfriendly words then left the hallway with a quick glare at me. If looks could kill.... Zayn rushed over to my side and looked down with a little bit of worry in his eyes. "You ok, dude?" He asked. I nodded and slowly sat up wincing a bit.

"Y-yeah." I mumbled then looked at the ground adding "T-thanks..." Zayn just waved it away as he looked me up and down. 

"Looks like they got you pretty bad. C'mon let's get you to the nurse's office." Zayn reached out for my arm but I winced away. I shook my head as Zayn frowned.

"I'm f-fine. I-I have to go." I murmur quickly and stood up. I chewed my bit and pain raced through my body. However, I ignored it and walked as quickly as I could down the hallway. I could feel Zayn's piecing stare on me as I walked down the hallway as if I hadn't just been beat up. I had a lot of practice because I never wanted people to ask questions about as to why I was walking like a demented ducked. Then I would have to come up with a lie, because there was no way I could tell them about Steve. As I turned the corner, I saw that Zayn's frown had gotten deeper as he was deep in thought. Suddenly his eyes widened and he stared right into my green eyes as realization crossed his face. Shit. 


Do you guys like this chapter? I PUT NIALL AND ZAYN IN IT! :D About time, right? I know they aren't the main characters but I still want them important in the story! What did you guys think of this chapter? Please do tell! I don't know if I'll be able to update tomorrow, so I hope that's ok with you guys! Hopefully I will be able to! I also have a question for you. Do you guys want Ziall, or Niam? Now before you answer! Please know that it isn't for this story! But a different one that I thought of, and that you probably won't be hearing about for a long time. Have a great day and I love you guys!

~Abby <3

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