Chapter 15

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Louis' POV

"Look Louis, I can't tell you! I promised Harry-" Zayn started to say but I silenced him when I pushed him against the wall.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean, Zayn?" I snarled in his face, "How long have you know about this? Why didn't you fucking tell me!" Zayn looked at me with a scared expression. I've never acted this way towards him. Hell, I've never acted this way towards anyone. I probably looked like I was gonna skin him alive, if he didn't answer me. I took a couple of deep breathes, as I tried to calm myself. I stepped away from Zayn, and asked again. However, this time it was in a somewhat calm voice. "How long did you know that my father abused Harry?" 

"Well, I just figured out that it was your dad. If I knew, I would've told you right away, mate! I swear!" Zayn said quickly still slightly frightened from before. He hesitated before continuing on. "As for knowing that he was abused, um, since Thanksgiving..." My eyes widened I quickly narrowed them with my anger directed solely on him.

"I cannot believe you didn't fucking tell me! I thought we were fucking best friends, Zayn!" I yelled in his face. "Didn't it ever occur to you that I might want to know that about the person I fucking like!?" At this point Zayn started to get mad back. He knew that the only way to defuse the situation was to yell back at me. Sometimes you can fight fire with fire. 

"Didn't it ever fucking occur to you that Harry didn't want you to know!? If you were Harry would you want everyone to know about your shitty past?" He paused and, before I could answer, continued on "No, I didn't fucking think so! So go ahead, get mad at me for not telling you, but you had better goddamn realize that all of this isn't my fault and that if you don't think of something quick you're going to lose Harry forever!" A sharp pain echoed through my heart as he said that. He was right, and both him and I knew it. I was blaming Zayn for this and I was going to lose Harry forever. I didn't want to though! I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let the person I love fall through my finger tips. That was what Harry was. He was the man I loved. He was the person I wanted to wake up next to every morning. He was my soul mate.

I sat down on the blue chair right next to us, and placed my head in my heads. I closed my eyes tightly. "What am I suppose to do?" I whispered brokenly to Zayn. I felt him sit down on the chair next to me. He patted my back trying, but failing, at making me feel better.

"I don't know, mate. I just don't know." He simply answer, sounding as helpless as I felt. 

Harry POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.

There's that noise again. I've heard it before, but from where? I could've sworn I've heard it already today, but why did it suddenly turn off then start again? That was quite odd, if I do say so myself. Although, I'll have to admit that it was pretty soothing. It just makes me feel calm, and reminds me that my heart is still beating strong and steady. Oh yeah, I remember now. I was in the hospital. I woke up the first time and Louis was there. Panic suddenly struck me as I snapped my eyes open. I quickly searched the room to see that only a very concerned looked Liam and Niall were there. I sighed in relief and relaxed against the soft bed. As long as Louis wasn't here I was fine. But why did I feel so sad? I'm sure it's just because I know that Mum will be worried out of her mind. Yeah, that's it.

"Harry? Are you OK?" Niall asked timidly. I frowned and looked up at his pale face. That wasn't right. No, that wasn't right at all. Niall was never timid. He was always loud, and fun. Not to mention that he looked so pale right at the moment. Which, of course, I'm sure that watching your friend freak out isn't exactly what most people would consider fun. Friend. That's what we were right? We were friends? No, I don't think so. Maybe not quite yet. But then again, we could never be friends. We weren't friends. We were just acquaintances. However, if that were true, then why was he here? Why did Niall look so worried? Did he consider me as a friend? If so then shouldn't I consider him as a friend? Was Liam even my friend? Before I suppose I thought that they both were my friends. After everything that happened, however, I couldn't be sure that they were. It was easily to see that I had gone soft, and that was not acceptable. I let a boy in, and he hurt me. His beautiful blue eyes melted my defenses; until they were completely crashed down around me. Now I was left here all by myself to pick up the pieces. No. They were, indeed, not my friends. I couldn't risk being hurt again. "Harry?" I snapped out of my depressing, yet truthful thoughts and looked back up at Niall. Just as I planned to nod my head, I found myself shaking my head no. 

"N-no, I'm n-not ok." I mumbled then started to feel my anger raise. Why would he possibly think that I was OK? When was I ever OK? I have never in my entire life been OK! What the fuck was OK suppose to mean anyways?! For the first time in my life, I was unable to hold my anger back, and I, for lack of better words, I snapped. "Tell me Niall. Tell me how I could possibly be ok? Please, I'd like to know how that could ever be possible. How can a person ever be OK? I'd really like to know, because I've never be OK! I've never been anywhere close to OK! Hell, why the hell would anyone think that I would be? Everything in my life is so fucked up! Nothing can go the way I want it! No, that would be to fucking easily, and apparently for some demented reason God decided that, that wasn't ok for me! Did I ever do something bad to deserve this!? Was I a horrible man in my past life? Did I do something truly horrible to deserve such things? Or is it just because I'm me? Am I such a bad person right now that I need to be punished!?"

Liam and Niall stared at me with complete shock present on their features as I screamed at them. They had never seen me with such intense emotion before. They've never seen me explode before. Hell, I've never seen myself explode before. They probably didn't think it was even possible for me to have so much emotion. But probably thought that they have seen it all now. But that wasn't the case. That wasn't even close to the case. I'm just getting started. 

"Am I such a complete waste of space that he decided that instead of just killing me, he could just fuck with me? Did he want to see how far he could push me until I snapped?! Did he want to see how much I would go through until I decided to just stop living?! Did he just want to see me kill myself? Is that what he wants from me? Fine! He fucking wins! I've had enough of all this complete and utter bullshit! I quit! Next time I have a chance I'll fucking jump in front of a car! Better make it painful! Wouldn't want him to be even more disappointed in me because I took the easy way out!" I could feel my anger slowly flow out of my body as grief struck me. My shoulders hunched forward as I hid my face in my hands. I was surprised to feel that my face was wet from tears. However, as the grief flowed more freely inside my body, the tears fell more easily as well. Before I totally broke down, I asked the question that I've asked myself my entire life. "Why me? What did I do to deserve this?"


Oh intense right? Haha. Now I know I have some explaining to do! First of all, I'm sorry I haven't updated in 3 whole day! And second of all, it's because I've been very busy! Weekends are always hard to post on because everyone is home! Plus, we are changing the siding on our house, which I did the ENTIRE day on Monday! It was not fun AT ALL. I just wanted to tell you guys, that the chances of me posting every day when school starts is slim to none! I'm sure I don't have to tell you guys this BUT school comes first! Always has, always will! School is nearing. Be afraid, be very afraid. XD Anywho, here's the question: If you were Louis what would you do? Would you give up? Would you find a way to win Harry back? How? Comment below! Also, tell me what you think of this chapter! I love hearing it! I love you all, and have a wonderful day!
~Abby <3 

BY THE WAY! I'm co-writing a story with loveisequal! It's a niam story and it's called Nial Horanl The Irish Stalker! If you guys want to read it, then go check out her profile! I hope you guys like it if you do! It should be good!

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