Chapter 25

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Harry's POV

I opened my eyes, but quickly closed them when the bright light burned them. After a couple of seconds I opened my eyes again. Deciding to look away from the bland ceiling, I turned my head to the side and caught a familiar looking head. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What on god's green earth was Louis doing in my room sitting down right next to my bed? God, it looked like I was in the hospital on my death bed as all my friends and family gathered around to mourn. From his messy hair it looked like he was really stressed. His hair was standing up all over the place and I knew that whenever Louis got nervous he ran his hand through his hair. A lot. Louis was looking at my door as if someone had just walked out of it. Which I suppose could be very true seeing as I just woke up. However, none of this answered the question at hand: Why was Louis here? 

I took a sharp intake of breath when suddenly everything that happened hit me. I was in the forest. It was snowing and cold. So cold. I remembered slowly losing feeling in my entire body then slowly losing focus on everything. My eyes burned with unshred tears, and before Louis could turn back around towards me, I launched myself at him. Feeling him jump, I wrapped my arms around Louis' muscular waist and held him close. I buried my head in between his shoulder blades and started to sob.

"Harry? Harry!" Louis exclaimed with concern clearly in his voice as he tried his best to turn around without detaching me from him. Once we were successfully facing each other Louis wrapped one arm around me, while the other played with my hair. "Hazza, what's wrong? Why are you crying so hard, baby?"  

I gripped onto his shirt tightly and buried my head even deeper into his chest. "D-don't leave me. P-please don't e-ever leave me." I somehow managed to say in between, what seemed to be, my never ending sobs. I could feel Louis shaking his head as he tightened his arm around my small frame.

"I would never leave you, Harry." He whispered quietly in my ear, "I promise I'll never leave you, wanna know why?" Louis asked, but before I could say yes Louis answered. "Because I love you, baby. I love you so much, and I'll never leave you because people don't do that to the ones they love." This only caused me to cry harder. How could I do this to Louis? How could I be so heartless, and cruel? After everything I put him through!? The poor boy had to fucking jump through hurdles for me just to trust him! How could I believe that Louis didn't love me? That he was trying to hurt me? Sure, his dad was a complete jerk, but that doesn't mean Louis is! Sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree, and in this case it was fucking miles. 

"I'm sorry, Louis. I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed still crying, my voice muffled by his, now soaking wet, tee shirt. Louis pulled away a little and looked down at me. 

"Why are you sorry?" Louis asked, his bright blue eyes shining with confusion.

"F-for everything!" I croaked out, "For making it so hard for you to earn my trust, for trying to avoid you when we first met, for running away, for not trusting you, for believing that you would hurt me after everything you've done for me." To my surprised Louis chuckled and shook his head. Gently, he reached up and wiped away my tears with smooth fingers.

"Oh, Hazza. Oh, Hazza baby, there is no reason to say sorry." Louis explained with a light smile on his face. His eyes were shining brighter than ever. "I did all of that because I wanted to. I did all of that because I knew you were special. I knew you were worth fighting for. I did it because I loved you. And I still do. I love you, Harry and I would do it all over again as long as it meant that I ended up with you. With my angel." Tears started overflow onto my cheeks again as I looked up at him. Sudden panic filled his face as he wiped away those tears too. "What's wrong? Why are you crying? What did I do? What did I say?!" 

I let out a small laugh as I shook my head. "You did nothing Louis. I'm just happy, that's all." A small smile spread out across Louis' face. He hugged me close, however after a couple of seconds I pulled away from him. "Oh, and Louis?" 

"Yeah?" He asked with a tilt of his head. Cute.

"I love you too." I whispered truthfully. Louis' small smile suddenly grew 10x its size.


SO yeah! That was fun to write! It didn't take me all that long! Good that too because I need to study for those two tests that I missed on Friday and need to study for! What can I say? I was sick! Haha, anywho, I hope that ya'll liked this chapter! Oh and guys, I'll be posting a One-shot on Wednesday for a friend! Just a heads up! :) OK so here is the question: What do you look for in a story? Post a comment and tell me! Have a great day guys, and I love you all!
~Abby <3 

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