Chapter 11

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Louis' POV

I was worried. Ok, so maybe that was an understatement; I was besides myself with anxiety. Today was Friday and Harry did not show up at school. I couldn't get him out of my mind all day; his panick strickened face kept on popping up in my mind. What if something had happened to him? What if he got lost and couldn't find his way home?! What if he was on the cold freezing ground dead?! He was new to this town after all! Oh my fudgecakes, if Harry died it would be all my fault! I should've ran faster! I should've looked harder! For even after I lost him I looked all over town. I shouldn't have asked that fucking question. I couldn't find myself to care that if Harry died it would be all my fault. I cared because if Harry died, I would die with him. By now i knew that I liked Harry way more then I have ever liked anyone. Maybe boarding on more then just like liking him, way more then just crushing in him. I needed to find Harry, and I needed to find him right now. However, that was a bit of a problem as I was still stuck in my last class, and I had no idea where to even begin to look. I glanced at the clock and groaned loudly. Mother fucker, there was 5 minutes left! I didn't know if I could survive those 5 minutes without looking for Harry! I needed to calm down. While I'm waiting I can think of where to look. Where would I go if I had a nightmare and ran away from someone? Hmmm.... My house! I would go to my house and to my mum. Perfect! Now all I had to do was go to his house and check to make sure he was there. However, a wretch was quickly thrown into that wonderful plan. I had no idea where my Harry lived. I frowned deeply and looked round the room. How was I suppose to figure out where he lived? My eyes widened when my eyes rested on a certain light browned, curly haired boy. Liam. He's got to know! It seems like Harry is always around him!


The bell rang and I quickly grabbed my stuff. I raced over to his desk and stood infront of it before he had even stood up.

"Liam!" I exclaimed loudy as I stood infront of him. He jumped a bit and looked up at me with a confused expression.

"What is it, Louis?" he asked once he got over his shock. He started packing up his things and stood up.

"Do you know where Harry lives?" I asked then his eyebrows pulled together in confusion.

"Harry? No, he's never invited me-" Liam started to say, "Wait, I should know where he lives. My mum has brought me there so she could talk to Anne, his mum. Why?"

"I want you to bring me there," I said then continued when I saw his curious expression, "I'm worried about Harry. I just wanna check and make sure he got home alright. I mean, he didn't come to school today and something might have happened!" Liam shook his head with an unsure look.

"I don't know, Lou. If Harry wanted to talk to us then he'd call or text or something. Besides, we shouldn't be bugging him at his house. He probably didn't come today because he had a family thing or was busy." Liam picked up his backpack and walked out of the class. I followed him closely behind.

"C'mon Liam! You saw him yesterday! He looked totally distraught! Tell me you're not worried! Tell me you didn't try to call him and never got an answer!" I pleaded desperately. He stopped and turned to look at me. He was biting his lip nervously then sighed in defeat.

"Fine, I'll bring you." he said then quickly added before I could celebrate "But only because when I tried to call him he never picked up." I nodded slowly but I was very happy at the moment. I got to go to his house to check if he was alright! I bet he's just sitting at him perfectly fine and he just didn't come to school because he was busy, just like Liam said! I hope so. Liam led me out of the school and into the chilly air. I puffed out a breath and it quickly turned into a big puff of white. I chuckled slightly then gently elbowed Liam. He looked st me curiously and I smiled and nodded towards my car. Liam nodded and we walked to it. Once we both got in I pulled out of the parking lot and followed Liam's instructions. He pointed to a house and I drove up into the drive way. We both got out.

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