Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

"It's about time you guys woke up! I mean, I've been waiting here forever!" Niall whined while walking fully into my room. "At least your mum made us breakfast! She can cook really well! Anne makes the best muffins I've ever tasted! They were so softy, and yummy! I don't think I'll ever leave your house, Harry! Your mum is so good-" 

"Us? What do you mean by us?" Louis interrupted sounding slightly annoyed, if not more. I wonder why he was so annoyed. Oh yeah! Louis was about to ask me that question! I wonder what he was gonna say? I shook my head. If it was important enough then Louis would bring it up again. 

"Oh yeah! Zayn and Liam are here too! We've been waiting for you two sleeping beauties to wake up! Although, I suppose Harry does need the rest... Oh well! We are here to make you feel better, Harry!" Niall beamed at me. I looked up at him slightly taken back. Did they all really come to make sure I got well again?

"Hey Niall, are they up yet?" Liam's voice came then he appeared at the doorway. He smiled at us. "Oh, I guess you two are up." 

"Yeah, Niall came in just as we woke up. He couldn't give us any time or something!" Louis muttered and held me closer to his chest. I blushed a bit as I felt Niall's and Liam's eyes on us.

"Oh, you've both had enough time with each other!" Liam smirked and crossed his arms, "After all, since Louis is wearing the same clothes as yesterday it seems as if he spent the night here. Not to mention when I came in here earlier you both of cuddling like no tomorrow. It's a shame no one got to see it..." Liam winked and waved his phone in the air. My eyes widened and my face turned even more red. He took a picture! I know he did. I looked up at Louis to see his face was red too and he was shooting daggers at the boy. I slowly sat up and scooted up against the wall so I wasn't pretty much lying on him anymore. Louis looked over at me with a slight frown but then looked down at his pants confused. 

"Why the hell are my pants vibrating?" He mumbled then a look of realization dawned his face as he took his phone out of his pant. I bursted out laughing along with Niall and Liam as Louis looked at the message he received. Suddenly he glared up at Liam then hopped out of the bed and started at Liam. Liam quickly recovered from his laughing fit and booked it down the hallway. 

"U-um, why is L-louis chasing Liam?" I stuttered out to Niall. He just shrugged and raced his hands through his dyed blond hair.

"I don't know why, mate. But maybe you should check your phone?" Niall suggested helpfully. I nodded and grabbed my phone from my nightstand. One new message. It was from Liam. I opened it up and saw it was a picture of Louis and I sleeping together. My face turned bright red as I stared down at it. We looked a lot like a couple. Not that I would mind being one with Louis at all.

"O-oh." I squeaked out then stood up after putting my phone back. "S-so what are we d-doing today?"

"You're doing nothing! However, Liam, Zayn, Louis, and I are gonna make you chicken noodle soup!  That should make you get better soon, and it's delicious!" Niall clapped happily. I had no doubt that Niall was already planning on having about half of the soup. 

"I'll h-help." I offered and started shakily walking towards him. I still felt really weak but I didn't want to stay in my room for the whole day. Niall just looked at me worried before asking me if I should be getting out of bed. I just shrugged. "I-I'm fine. I don't w-want to stay up here a-all day." I brushed past the irish lad and stumbled my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I froze half step as I watched what was occurring in my poor kitchen. Louis was holding a spoon threathenly as Liam used Zayn as a human shield. 

"Move out of the way, Zayn or else you're gonna get it!" Louis exclaimed looking ready to jump him. However, I didn't know how well that would work with a spoon. Most people use knifes. Trust me, I would know. I shivered just thinking about it.

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