Chapter 17

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Niall's POV

I turned around to see Louis standing completely shocked at the door. Slowly, but surely, my own shock turned into anger. I was practically seething as I stomped over to the boy. I tightly gripped the front of his shirt and pushed him violently out of the room. The door banged shut as I pressed him against the wall.

"What the hell? What the bloody hell!?" I hissed into Louis' face, my Irish accent stronger then ever. "I cannot even begin to believe that you would even try to talk to him! I cannot believe that you would even try to be friends with Harry!" I shook my head then laughed bitterly. "Better yet, boyfriend! You wanna know something? You don't deserve to be with Harry! No, not even fucking close! Harry's an amazing lad, and you're just a piece of shit who let his dad beat and rape him!" Louis' eyes welled up with tears and it looked like he was about to start sobbing any second now, but I wasn't finished yet. Oh no, I wasn't even close to being finished.

"Do you know how much pain your father put him through? How much pain you put him through because you decided not to say anything!? I know I'm not the smartest crayon in the box but it's easy to tell that he's fucking broken!" I told him desperately. Louis needed to see what he did. He needed to see just how wrong it was! "All you had to do was pick up the fucking phone and all of these would have been over! But noooooo, you couldn't fucking do that! Hell, you couldn't even fucking leave him alone when he got saved! You couldn't let him have one shred of happiness, could you? That would have ruined your's, huh?"

My fury slowly changed into sadness as I yelled at Louis. I just couldn't understand why anyone would do that to others. No one deserved being treated less than human.  We were truly all the same. We all wanted good jobs. We all wanted a happy family. We all wanted to live as happy as possible. So why is it that people see the need to bully others to achieve that? What is there to make fun of anyways!? There was nothing! Fucking nothing. Harry was just like everyone else! There was no reason for him to be kidnapped and beaten into a life he was even born into. 

"I-I know I don't deserve Harry," I heard Louis whisper. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why did he sound so sad? Shouldn't he be happy that Harry was pretty much destroyed? "He's amazing. He's funny, and smart, yet at the same time he can be serious, and can just let things go. He's so shy at first that he is the cutest thing on the face of the planet, but when he gets to know you, and trust you, he's so outgoing and fun! He doesn't like to accept other people's help, but he knows when he needs it, and even through he doesn't like to, he takes it. He's so caring, and I know it's not  because of what happened in his life. He isn't scared that other people will hurt him if he's not, he actually cares about them. Harry's everything I wish that I could be. Harry's everything that I'm not. He's everything that I need." Louis' eyes were glazed over while he talked about the boy he loved. Hell, he loved Harry so much that he even had a little smile on his face. It may have been little, but it packed more love then most people looked at their husbands or wives with. And that, was something so easy and simple to see that even I could see it. However, the little smile, that even after a couple seconds I had come to like, was replaced with pain. Horrible, black pain. 

"I also know that it's my fault that Harry's like this. I realize that now. But you've got to understand, Niall! I would have done something if I had known! But I didn't! I haven't seen my father since I was two! My mum got a divorce! He left and never came back! If he hadn't left then this would have never happened! Harry would be perfect fine right now, and he would be happy! But because of me that's not what happened! I'm such a fucking idiot!" Louis dropped his head into his hands and started to cry. I took a step back from the wreck then quickly stepped forward again and hugged him tightly. I felt him grip onto my shirt and hide his face in the crook of my neck. I couldn't believe that I just did this. I just made Louis cry. I couldn't stand when people cried! Even worse it was Louis! He was never not happy! He was also a bundle of joy, and now he was pretty much sobbing on my shoulder. I should've listened to his side of the story because I accused him of something like this. Really, I didn't know what I was thinking. I was just I did know one thing, however, and that was that I needed to get them back together! But first, I needed to know one important detail.

"Louis, why are you blaming yourself for this?" I asked him softly, delicately. He took a shaky breath in and pulled away from me. He looked away from me ashamed then looked back up. I took a quick intake of breath when I looked into his blue eyes. They too looked so broken.

"Because I was the reason they broke up," Louis admitted. My eyebrows furrowed together confused. How could he know that? I understand that a lot of kids blame themselves for breaking their parents up, but he was only two. I was about to ask when Louis beat me to it. "One day I heard these ladies talking about one of their divorces. I found out what it meant, and that one had the papers in her bag. Mum and my dad had been fighting a lot so I snuck over to the ladies purse and stole the forms. When my dad was at work, I gave her the forms and told her that she should get a divorce." My mouth formed an 'o' as I took in the information. I can see why Louis thought it was his fault. I would too if I were him. Damn. I need to help fix everything. But is it possible to fix something that was so fucked up?

OHHHHH! BET YA DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING EITHER! Man, I'm just full of surprises! I gotta make Louis be guilty for something, don't I?  Harry needs a legit reason to be mad at Louis and BAM there it is! I hope you liked it! I really do! I went to my grandma's house so that's why it took me so long to update! I got to spend time with me grandma! I love her more then you! Sorry, but it's true. I love my grandma more then ANYONE! AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT! Haha, but you guys are a close second! Here is the question: What is the moral of this story? I mean, like the WHOLE story.  Not just the chapter! Anywho, Comment below,  and tell me what you think! I love you guys, and I wish you all a happy day!

~Abby <3

P.s. I started drivers Ed so let's hope it doesn't effect my writing time and stuff!

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