Chapter 5

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"Okaaaay, Penny", Dr. Taylor says as he takes a seat on the stool next to me.
"I looked over the X-rays and it's a total of five cavities you have there."
FIVE?! Oy vey. My already clammy palms are not sweaty as all hell. I knew I had cavities but five?! I have always been so good with my teeth!
"Now, I must say, you have very beautiful teeth. It looks like you take care of them very well. The fact of the matter is is that cavities are very common, and they happen. Especially when one doesn't come get a proper cleaning in 3 years." He gives me a sly smile and a wink.
My heart melts.
"How bad is it going to hurt Doc? I have never ever had cavities before."
He puts his hand on my thigh, the INSIDE of my thigh and says softly, "well, I would never want to cause such a beautiful women like yourself any pain."
I give a flirty giggle and look away. What is happening? Did my hot dentist really just hit on me?! This was not just a friendly gesture. This guy was totally into me, and I thought to myself, isn't this kind of strange?
And then I thought, hell to the no! This is literally what I dream about! Besides the whole having a mouth full of cavities part...

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