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* No one's POV * 

" So what did you guys do this s-summer? " Says Max, still staring at Neil.

" I just read books and did my research on random science stuff. " Neil says as the other campers get on. 

" I played in the forest and played with my dog. Oh did I tell you guys I got a dog! It's name is blah blah blah..... " Nikki says.

Max was not focused on Nikki at all. His mind and face was always turning towards Neil. Max could still not understand why he felt this way for his Best Friend. He maybe never will.

" Oh, cool Nikki! What about you, Max? " Neil says as Max finally gets out of his life autopilot mode on Neil and reboots. 

" OH! Uh... um.... I-I umm... " As Max is stuttering, Neil and Neil look at Max with a confused look.

" I did'ent do anything... My parents never really do anything with me.... like go on trips to where ever... " * FUCK YES! I finally did'ent stutter near Neil! Even though I have only seen him for, like, Ten minutes? Maybe? Ugh, I don't know. " 

Max thinks in this head. 

" Oh god, i'm sorry Max. I truly am. " Neil says as Max is blushing as fuck. ( UGHHH I CANT WRITE SHIT )

As max is blushing and trying to get out of the conversation,  screams " I HAVE TO GO TO THE B-BATHROOM!!! " 

* Max's POV * 

* Wait, What the fuck did I just say?!?! I have to go to the bathroom? Really Max? You're so fucking dumb. There is not even a bathro- * ( no one's POV now )

Max's thoughts were cut off by Neil saying " But there's no bathroom on the bus, Max... "  Neil says. 

" Yea Max... " Nikki says. " Oh y-yea! Sorry g-guys.. " Max says, embarrassed.

" When did you start to stutter, Max? And why is it cute? " Neil says, smiling.

" W-W-W-Whatever.... " Max says, as Nikki and Neil giggle a little. 

 (30 minutes have passed at this point)

As everyone is getting off the bus, David is just shouting out what they are gonna do, ect. 

 * Neil's POV *

" Ugh does David ever shut the fuck up... " I whisper to Nikki and Max.

" Pssh, r-right? " Max says. I'm still confused why he stutters near me and Nikki. Maybe he likes me? No, he can't. He would never like a big nerd. What if he like's Nikki? Oh god! I just want him! So bad! Or maybe i'm going insane...

After David just spewing out some shit ( that what he said hohohoohooo ) about the camp, or whatever, we got to pick who we wanted to sleep in our tent. ( i guess you can put it like that??? )             

And I wanted Max. 

" Uh, Max? " I say, stuttering like a dumbass. " Y-Yes N-Neil? " Max says, still stuttering. " Do you um, wanna share a uh, t-tent? " * Fuck, he is gonna say no, he is gonna say no, he is gonna sa-          " Um, s-sure! O-Ok! " Max says, stuttering. Me and Max start walking to our tent then i asked:         " So what did you bring, Max? " " W-Why do y-you c-care? " Max says, rudely. " Just wondering. "

                            I say. " M-Mr. Honeynuts and some c-c-clothes. " Max says, stuttering. He is so cute stuttering though. I just wanna say "I love you" to him. " Oh yea, I never got to say sorry to you. " I say to Max. Why did I laugh at him? I'm such a dick. " F-For what? " Max says. " For laughing at you? When Gwen was gonna get a job and Nerf told everyone to start laughing at you? " I say. " Oh yea, Neil that was five years ago. No one cares about that anymore. " Max says. " I know but, I still feel like a dick laughing at you. " I say. " W-Well t-that's ok. " Max says. " Thanks for forgiving me. " I say. " No problem, N-Neil. " 

* Time passes to night * * No one's POV *

" Hey Neil? " Max says silently, to not wake anyone else up, apart from Neil.

" Yes, Max? " Neil say.

" Can you, u-um... " Max says.

" Can you cuddle with m-me? " Max says, as Neil's eye's widened and starts to blush redder then a tomato.

" U-U-Uh s-s-sure M-M-M-Max! " Neil says, getting up and going over to Max and goes next to him hugging him. 

Max turns around, nuzzling into Neil's chest, and putting his arm's around his neck. While Max does this, Neil is blushing harder then he ever has. Neil puts his arms around his back and puts his face into his soft hair. 

" Goodnight, Maxwell " Neil says. " Maxwell? When did y-you start calling me that? " Max says, blushing as hard as Neil. " I don't know, I think its cute! " Neil says. " O-Ok. G-G-Goodnight, N-Neil. " Max says, still blushing. " Goodnight. "

( A / N: WOW this is a long chapter!!! srry if this sucks, its, again, my first book. and also im only ten so idk how to write. anyway goodbye! imma go eat now cause im hungry. )

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