End it all here.

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" Max what the fuck.... " Neil says, with a terrified expression on his face. ( also its no ones POV )

Neil turns around to a tiny puddle of blood, with a razor beside the tiny puddle. must have came from max  Neil thinks.

Neil picks up the cigars and the drug, that he does not know, and runs off to Nikki.

" NIKKI! " Neil shouts, getting Nikki's attention.

" Hey Neil! " Nikki exclaims. 

" Come here! " Neil says.

" Um, ok! " Nikki says, confumbled. ( idk how to spell it lmao )

Neil runs to the tent, Nikki keeping up with him.

They both run into the tent Neil very tired, even though he only ran for 5 seconds. 

" What's up, Neil? " Nikki says. 

" look what I found in the draw! " Neil exclaims, showing the pack of cigars and the drugs.

" Woah.... is this Max's stuff? " Nikki says, with the same expression Neil has, terrified.

" What do you think Nikki? " Neil says, in a cold type of tone.

" Jeez, i was just sayin'...." Nikki says, crossing her arms.

" Sorry Nikki, i'm just worried about Max. " Neil says.

" OOhOhoOhHo, I never knew you ' liked, liked' Max!!! " Nikki says, yelling loudly.

" N-N-N-No I-I-I don't! QUIET NIKKI!!! " Neil says, madly blushing.

" OHHHH!!! NEIL IS GAY FOR MAAAAX! " Nikki screams.

" What? My OTP is true?!??!?!?" Preston says, running into the tent. While Preston Fanboys over his " OTP " Neil says, " Preston SHUT UP!!!!!! " " Ha, Oooooooook Neil....... " Preston says, grinning.

" I swear to fucking god... " Neil mumbles. " ANYWAY, NIKKI...... i'm gonna go find him. " Neil says.

" Can I go? " Nikki says. " I don't wanna be rude, but no. " Neil says. " Awwww, ok.... " Nikki says, sadly. " But you can go throw this shit out, and also clean that puddle of blood. " Neil says. " Um, ok! " Nikki says. " Make sure David does not see it. Or Gwen. " Neil also says. " Gotcha Neil! " Nikki exclaims.

Neil starts to run to the dark forest but before he could step a foot into it, a tall man cuts him off.

" Ah, ah, ah Neil! Where do you think you're going? " The tall man says. Neil looks up to see that its David.

" I need to go find Max! Move! " Neil says, pushing past David.

" Neil, where the fuck do you think you- " Gwen says, getting cut off by Neil saying: " NO TIME TO TALK!!! " 

Max's POV 





Ugh, smoking and taking drugs is not gonna make Neil like me. At all. Anyway, he is not gay. I think. As i'm about to breath in I drop my cigar.

" UGH FUCKING A!!! " I scream, angry for no god damn reason. I slink to the ground.

" what a fucking crybaby you are, Max.... " I say. Hey, it's true. No one loves me. My parents always told me that. Not only that, but they abused me. Hit me until they got bored. I hate my parents. I hate them so much.

* flashback * ( also its still max's POV )

" MAX!!!! " My mother angerly screams. I start to shiver. " Y-Y-Y-Yes M-Mot- " I get cut off when my mother bursts into the room. " WHY THE FUCK DID YOU GET A D- ON YOU'RE TEST?!?!?! YOU DUMB RETARDED PIECE OF SHIT!!!! ( A / N: i dont rlly wanna use that word... dont say retard ppl. its bad. ) " Mom, please. you're drunk..... " I say, my eyes fill with tears until my mother punches me to the ground. " FUCK YOU!!! YOU'RE A DISGRACE TO THIS FAMILY!!!!!!!! " My mother screams, while I lay on the ground, crying. " m-mom, p-please... " I say mumbling. As im trying to say something, she kicks me in the stomach harder then she ever has. 

My mother stomps away, grabbing a beer bottle only to walk back to my room. 

" MOM. Please.... s-stop. " I say, crying. 


She raises the beer bottle.... " MOM STOP PL- " I was cut off by my mother slamming the beer bottle on my head. 

                                                                   *Flashback ends*

* no ones POV *

" I can just end it right here.... no one would care anyway. " Max says.

Max gets out his razor and right before he could put the razor onto his vein he hears....

" MAX! "

( A/ N: swiggly swoogly ya boi is back with another bad chapter :D srry i was gone for a while. i was hanging out with my cousins. anyway im back boissss!! and big suprise im making a new book called " Bfb/II shipping opinions! " after i post this chapter!! REEEEEE- anyway request a ship only from bfb or II and i will give my opinion! but i wont be posting on that book most of the time cause ill be working on this book. anyway 1800-carbs out. also that a funny joke my family makes cause my dad always " brags " that he's fasting. lol. )

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