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S E L E N E ' S  P O V

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S E L E N E ' S  P O V.

Pushing open the door I instantly regret it as I slowly drag myself into the classroom I see its a absolute m e s s. There were girls sitting on tables doing who knows what and boys yelling and running around, the teacher no where to be seen.

I slowly drag myself over to the back where my seat is, plop myself down and lay my head down softly on the table. My long, black hair flowed down my back and over my shoulder onto the table.

I feel a dull pain in the side of my head that causes me to groan lowly and move my head up. Laying the side of my head on my hand I dig my hand into my bag looking for something to ease the uncomfortable pain. This weird dull pain at the back of my head has been happening to me for a while now and only rests after I have a shower at 4. I just try to forget about it and get on with my day most of the time.

Pulling out Aspirin, I grab my water bottle and throw 2 pills into my mouth before chugging the water. Just as I swallow the water the door opens and the teacher, Mr Ozman AKA the fucking walking devil on earth walks in yelling orders for everyone to get into their assigned seats.

2 0 M I N U T E S L A T E R.

A loud bang jolts me up from my seat, I look up only to see Mr Fizzles glaring down at me. "Yes?" I finally snap after 20 seconds of just staring. He doesn't reply.

"Can I help you, Sir?" Still no reply.

"CAN I FREAKING HELP YOU OR DID YOU WAKE ME UP FOR NO REASON?!" I yell out causing nearly all of the class to jump out of their seats from the unexpected yell.

"DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL FOR 2 HOURS!" Mr Ozman finally exclaims, shocked that I managed to speak back as I usually don't reply when he tells me off.

"WHAT NO! THATS NOT FAIR!" I yell. It really wasn't fair, I definitely finished my work before dozing off and I had nothing else to do. He's always picking on me for some reason, old scum bag.


He had it coming when he wouldn't answer. I asked him if he needed anything with respect but he just glared at me, what does he expect me to do?

"WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO? JUST CONTINUE WATCHING YOU STARE AT ME?" I yell. I know I'm hot and all, wink wink, not, but he's gotta snap out of it.


"I WAS TIRED AND I FINISHED ALL MY WORK!" I yell out interrupting him.

"I DIDN'T EVEN HAND OUT WORK!" He yells and then smirks smugly thinking he caught me on the spot.

"Then whats the point of me being awake if your not gonna hand out work but instead ogle the girls that - excuse my language- fucked you for good grades?" I calmly ask Mr Ozman who's mouth is wide open by the time I finish my sentence.

A series of 'dAmns' and 'oOoOos' circled around the class. It was my turn to smirk now. The old man looked around helplessly trying to get the class to settle down and stuttered trying to get out his next sentence. I felt a bit bad at this point but the old man deserved it. I had a point.

"I HAVE DONE NO SUCH THING!" He exclaims trying to save himself.

By now his face was flushed bright red with anger and embarrassment. You could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears because of how angry he was.
Right before I could respond there was a small knock on the door and shuffling heard on the other side. Before Mr Fizzles could open the door it was shoved open roughly and in walked the 2 new boys, actually, scratch that, they're not considered boys, they're full grown men, but youthful men, ya know what I mean??

"And who may you two be?" Mr Fizzles says whilst glaring at the two men.

"Your Mu-" The one on the left says right before being interrupted by the one on the right.

"Were new and couldn't find our way around." Right says while glaring at left. Right sighs while turning his head to the side to examine the class after a few seconds his eyes snap to mine and he mumbles something underneath his breath that I barely caught.


I watch closely as the whole classes eyes snap back towards mine, I don't know how they heard it considering I barely heard it but maybe it's because they're all closer to him then me.

I watch closely as the whole classes eyes snap back towards mine, I don't know how they heard it considering I barely heard it but maybe it's because they're all closer to him then me

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839 words ❤️

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