A new starting

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I woke up to the sound of Nana screaming and thus went straight to her room to find her on top of her bed. There on the ground, she pointed and when i looked in that direction, i found a poor spider struggling to walk. Great Nana, you nearly killed a spider with your darts.

'IT WILL EAT ME!' she exclaimed as she continued climbing her closet. Now that she was on top, she finally relaxed. 

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" she screamed again and this time fell down directly on the floor and hit herself pretty bad but bounced right back on the bed within a second after she remembered that the spider on the floor was still there. 

'What's wrong?' i asked her again and she pointed out to the spider behind the closet. Freya, who had been watching this for quite some time now was laughing very hard, holding her sides. 

'Don't you dare laugh!' She said and left the room quickly, turning back to see if the spider is following her or not. 

We picked up the spiders and kept them on the window sill so that they get to go back to nature. We both remembered the way Nana fell and nearly died laughing.

The bell rang and i went over to the Prefect's room to see Alucard there. His blonde hair was gelled in a very perfect way. His prefect cloak made him look so dignified and that amazing smell.. It must be him. His cologne smelled of Vanilla yet very masculine. Damn it! Why am i feeling this way?! After i got in, He looked at me and smiled. 

'Well, here you are. Let's get started shall we?' 

'Yeah okay.' I replied. Damn his blue eyes were piercing into my green ones. Now that i notice, His eyes are actually very deep and .. and beautiful. 

He leaned over to me and waved his hand near my eyes. 'You all right Ruby? You done drooling over my good looks?' He said as he smirked! WTF!

'What even..?' I said as i shaked my head and went ahead. He laughed loudly and followed behind. 

All of the heros were already lined up and waiting for us to arrive. We were not late, they were just a little early. 

As soon as we got there in the field, the girls started checking out Alucard, some shameless even winking while the shy ones blushed and kept things to themselves but trust me, the look on their faces were very obvious. 

I sighed. This had always been the problem. In these 7 years, Alucard was always a topic of discussion for the ladies. Not that i mind but the focus on him is more than the focus on their training. And we were here to train. 

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am your prefect Ruby and this is prefect Alucard. In today's lesson, we'll be learning how to defend ourselves from dark attacks.' I started the program and immediately all attention was on me. Guys were staring at me as if i came from another planet while girls had envious faces. 

'Prefect Alucard will help you with strategy while i'll boost your training. All the assignment that will be given at the end of the class should be done regularly and perfectly and anybody who doesn't do it without a proper explanation will have to answer me. Is that clear?' I asked and the whole crowd in harmony replied "yes".

'Now first, we will show you the demo of fast attack. For fighters like us, we need items which give us more physical power and penetration. For example, you will need a Blade of despair as it increases your strength and a Malefic roar for physical penetration. But for assassins, we need attack speed. I personally would recommend you to use Scarlett Phantom and windtalker along with some sort of lifesteal.' He gave the lecture on and on and finally we went to the physical fight part. 

'Ruby,' he nodded and we faced each other. One more nod and he came towards me charging. The crowd gasped. We both were lifesteal heroes so the battle would obviously be long and challenging. 

The battle went on for ten minutes and the crowd was getting excited by the minute. I hit him with my ultimate and he was about to lose, but he suddenly just grabbed my waist. I gasped in shock at that action but he looked at my eyes and leaned forward. With that he closed his eyes and inched forward. THE WHOLE CROWD WAS SEEING, WTF ARE YOU DOING ALUCARD?! My heart was beating like crazy and he inched closer and closer. Then he was only a few centimeters away from my face. With that, he slowly kissed my cheeks and without me knowing, knocked me down on the ground with him on top.

'Sentiments shouldn't be used in the game, hun. You forgot that!' He said as he smirked and went away. 

The crowd cheered for him and i sat there traumatized and comprehending what the hell just happened. After twenty seconds perhaps i realized that HE TRICKED ME WHILE I LOOKED AT HIM LIKE A LOVE STRUCK IDIOT! Oh god, my life in the academy is over. KILL ME NOW!

I glared at him. He had his back turned againts me and i was so annoyed. 


He turned back and came close again. 

'Hmm what is it? Want me to carry you, Princess?' he said as he FREAKING LIFTED ME UP ON HIS ARMS AND THEN... all i could hear was my wild heartbeat.

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