It's you i was thinking of

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Alucard's POV:

I was enjoying the warm summer day, sitting on the grass. Or I was trying to.


'Go away Alucard. Just go away. You are the reason why she went away from us..thank you for humiliating her.' Freya sobbed as she went past me.

I couldn't look at her. Nothing but guilt did I feel after whatever happened. But I'm not as upset abut Freya as I'm upset about Ruby. Where are you Ruby?

I remember all these days I've gone without her. Miya she.. she left too and we don't know where she's gone but there are rumors about her joining Selena's troop.

I.. I left the gang and I'm in another squad now. The squad is one of the most supporting squads ever.

'Thinking of your girl again? ' Chang'e asked looking worried.

'Oh come on now. You're still interested in that girl?' Claude asked tilting his head right.

'Leave him alone. Focus on returning the damn watch you stole from that stranger, Claude.' Tigreal said with a fierce look on his face.

'What's all this commotion about?' Fanny said looking at us for answers.

'Oh nothing. Our lover boy here is missing Ruby again.' Claude said smiling at me.

'Well, first you tell her that you love her, she gets poisoned,then you go around kissing someone else, I don't know who should be suffering more.' She smirked but I could judge by her looks that this situation looked so relatable for her.

'Everything is not about... Him ' Tigreal said but fanny just looked away.

I wonder what had happened. She's never been nice to me not once and now it's not something new for people to dislike me but I don't know why she's so upset. I want to talk to her but I just can't seem to bring her to talk to me.

Well I hope someday we will get to know each other well.

'The armies are approaching. They're headed North. You know what this means right?' Tigreal asked us as we looked at the map laid on the table.

'I want to know how our moves are being watched! I mean last time we tried attacking Helcurt, he was fully prepared and equipped. I know there's something they're hiding.'

'The abyss is hiding a lot of things Chang'e. For example Vexana and Alice. I wondered how they could have kept two arch rivals together but then I thought and then found out that Helcurt is good in his game.'

'But Tigreal, if they're enemies and they find out that the both of them are working for a common goal, won't that be an advantage to us?'

'Yeah it will be. But the will of the abyss Selena is trying to make her moves. She's trying to get Vexana on her team. If that's the way it goes , we will have two different set of enemies to destroy. And then this will be tough.   '

'Two sets?'

'You see if the abyss gets disoriented and confused about who's the enemy and who's the friend, it will be a victory when we attack them while they're still in chaos. That's our advantage. Selena, has Leomord who is also Vexana's most trusted soldier. Selena hates Alice. Vexana hates Alice. Two minuses makes a plus.'

'That's a solid way of thinking Fanny but then we need Selena on our team because her first ability can make the enemy visible around any hiding place. If we can convince her to join our side, we can easily destroy the abyss.'

'How do you think will Selena even listen to us?'

'Did you know that Selena and Karina are sisters?' Tigreal said and that alone gave me goosebumps.

'What?' I ask totally surprised.

'Yes, they're sisters. But they had to split up in such a way that Selena thinks Karina is dead and Karina thinks Selena is dead. Selena is carrying on legacy which Karina started. But Karina has changed and now fights for justice. We just need Karina. If we convince her, we can convince selena.'

A question. Who is fanny shipped with?

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