8.Meeting the hyungs

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Next day + Jungkook Pov

I woke up and go downstairs to see my hyungs ..wait what? WITH MY PHONE?!

"YAH!" They all look at my direction and Taehyung hyung quickly hid the phone behind his back, but I saw it.

"H-hey Kookie!" They said nervously.

"Give me back my phone!" They look at each other.

"Wha..what phone?" Jin hyung asked me.

"I'm not stupid enough to believe you. I saw it you know?" I yelled again.

"It's at Taeh-" Jimin hyung covered Hoseok hyung's mouth that made me chuckle so I thought of something.

I walk behind them and slowly snatch my phone. They smiled sheepishly.

"Oh its your phone haha..where did you find it?" This hyungs are really stupid!

"Babo!" I shouted as I ran back to my room while giggling.

Eunhye Pov

I woke up because of the notifications that were popping on my phone. So I checked to see messages from Jungkook?


Hi this is his hyung! Its me Taehyung!

Oh..Hi Taehyung

No girl! Don't talk to him! Hi btw, I'm Jin.

Hi Jin😊

Hi Eunhye! Good morning I'm your sunshine and hope, Hoseok but can also be Jhope!

Uh..okay? Hi.

Sorry that was my hyungs!!!

Oh, it's okay lol.


I laughed a bit, reading the messages.

'He surely have many hyungs' I thought to myself.

My thoughts got interrupted when my son called me.

"Mommy?" He said while rubbing his eyes that I thought was cute.

"Yes baby?" I smiled at him.

"Good morning.." He greeted me.

"Good morning to you too little boy!" I pinched his nose and started tickling him.

"M..hahaha..mmammyyy! Hahaha s..stop!" He laughed.

"Okay!" I laughed and stop tickling him.

"Mommy where did Jugkook hyung go?" I went silent for a while.


I got a message from Jungkook again.

"Hey Eun Woo I got a message from Jungkook hyung..wait lemme read it.."

"Okay!" He replied happily.


Hey.😁 My hyungs are begging me to meet Eunwoo. If it is okay with you?

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