Chapter Eight: Infamy

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Music is "World On Fire" by Les Friction.

Picture is of September 11, 2001 by NYPD Det. Greg Semendinger.



{September 11, 2001 -- Seventeen Years Ago}

N E W  Y O R K

The North Tower of the World Trade Center is smoking. Fires blaze around the site and debris falls from floors ninety-three to ninety-nine. The whole city screams with sirens and explosions. It sounds as if a bomb has gone off in the World Trade Center. A bomb, a plane, a super-villain: no one is really sure what's happening. All I know is my training, both as a firefighter and as a soldier, and my training is telling to run towards the Tower and help as many people as I can.

Olympia drives towards the danger, not away from it, dodging pedestrians and cars alike. I've never seen a more skilled driver than her. The way she keeps the speed as high as possible while still maintaining control of the large firetruck makes me proud to have her in my Company.

Delmar, seated in the passenger's seat, looks out the window with a large, rough hand gripping the armrest like his life depends on it. He's lived in New York all his life. I know it's killing him to see it fall apart within minutes.

It's killing us all. This is our home. We might have failed to protect it, but you can damn well be sure we'll avenge it.

What I wouldn't give to have my bowstaff right now.

I help Win prepare the hoses for probable fires in the back of the truck. Thomas makes certain all the gear in the trunk is ready for use, including the harasses and oxygen masks in case of a needed rescue operation. Irene checks the ladder and crane controls, making certain they can be used at a moment's notice.

Delmar gets a call on the communications system inside the truck. He instantly answers, talking in firefighter code to the dispatcher. When the call ends, he glances over his shoulder and shouts, "We have orders from dispatch! We're going to get as close as we can to the North Tower and help put out the fires there. Another Company is on it's way to help! We're gonna need all hands on deck. Copy?"

"Copy, Chief!" I reply in unison with the others.

Olympia makes a sharp turn as we get closer to the North Tower, evading the falling debris that comes, not from the Tower itself, but from the other buildings it's fallen on to. I lean onto the side of the truck, barely keeping my balance.

"It's all good here," Win assures me, readjusting his helmet. He looks up at me with a terror of a twenty-something who had no idea this was what he was signing up for. "How are you not about to piss yourself, Imogene?"

"I've been through stuff like this before," I reply, stumbling over to the cabin of the vehicle. "Did they say what hit the Tower?"

Delmar shakes his head. "Sounded like a bomb to me, but no official word yet."

I sigh heavily and look through the front window. Olympia is about to take us right into the dust cloud that's growing in size, expanding into the streets of Manhattan. My fist tightens on the back seat.

"Are you sure about this, Chief?" Olympia asks, looking for a sign to turn back.

Delmar nods, assured of his decision. "We go forward. There are people in there that we have to get out. Another few blocks, at least."

Olympia nods once and raises her voice to warn us, "Hold on to something!"

I grip the chair tighter as the dust consumes the truck. The sheer force of the wind and tiny pieces of debris knocks the truck slightly to the side, causing us to jolt where we are, but Olympia gains control of the vehicle soon after and continues driving forward. She presses the gas pedal with a ferocity I haven't seen since the time I drove a stolen Red Room truck to Warsaw.

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