Chapter Five: Centennial

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Music is "Youth" by Shawn Mendes feat. Khalid.

Picture is Steve, Sam, and Natasha.


CHAPTER FIVE: Centennial

{March 9, 2018 -- Present Day}


For as long as I've known Steve Rogers--an amount of time that's nearing twenty-three years--he has always had short blond hair and a clean shaven look. That was what all the men did in the early to mid twentieth century, and those dress habits carried over into the 2010s that Steve woke up in. His own father had a very similar look; I remember seeing pictures of Joseph Rogers around Steve's childhood home when I would visit him after school or to stay over for the night. Steve has always appeared one way: polished and clean.

The Steve Rogers standing in front of me now looks very different from the Steve I've always known. His hair is longer, falling past his ears and onto his forehead. The length also darkens his hair, turning it a dark blond instead of the light blond it's always been. His facial hair is also longer, a thick beard covering the lower half of his face. Whether this new look is a personal aesthetic choice or an undercover necessity, I'm unsure. In the end, it doesn't really matter; Steve Rogers is Steve Rogers, no matter the cut or color of his hair.

The two people accompanying him also look slightly different; their faces, however, I would know anywhere. Natasha Romanoff has traded in her signature scarlet locks for a platinum blonde bob. Sam has also grown out his facial hair. Though they both have changed their appearances since I went under the ice, Steve is the one who has changed the most.

Steve is by the door as soon as it opens. I have only a half a second to view the aircraft hanger before he's closed the few feet between us and has me in his arms. He holds me tightly to him, nearly picking me off the ground. I chuckle and circle my arms around his neck, burying my face into his shoulder.

"It's nice to see you, too," I laugh.

Steve places me back on my feet and smiles down at me. "Sorry," he apologizes. "I've just missed you, Em. And I'm really glad you're okay after that malfunction."

I shrug off his concern, although the events of earlier that day still scare me a bit as well. "I've had worse, and you know I have."

Steve chuckles and shakes his head. "That's not what I wanted to hear."

"I know," I chuckle, turning from him to Natasha and Sam. They stand a few feet off, smiles on their faces. "You all look so different."

Sam strokes his beard as I walk over towards them. "I can't compete with the Cap beard, but I sure as hell am trying."

I give him the satisfaction of laughing at his joke as I give him a friendly hug. "I've missed you, Sam."

"I've missed you, too, Emma," he replies, patting me on the back.

When I pull away from him, I turn to Natasha. The now-blonde woman gives me a side-smile. "I like your hair," I state, motioning towards the nearly-white locks.

She blows a strand of hair out of her face. "It's not ideal, but I think it looks all right."

With a roll of my eyes, I pull her in for a sisterly embrace. "Tasha, nothing on you every just looks 'all right.'"

"That's what I keep telling her," Steve agrees, crossing his arms over his chest.

Natasha flashes him a smirk after she lets me go.

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