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"How much time do we have before the cops get here?" Michael asked as he shoved his gun back in the waistband of his jeans.

Calum looked at his watch as the men walked down the hallway and towards the exit of the building. "Three minutes and forty-five seconds."

Michael nodded as he kept his body turned slightly towards Calum to hide the red liquid that now stained it as they walked out the front doors. "You disabled the cameras before you came in, yeah?"

"Yeah that's what took me so fucking long. They had a damn passcode on their security system so I had to hack it and then delete the footage before." Calum groaned as he led Michael over to his car and pulled out two new t-shirts before throwing one to Michael.

Both boys quickly stripped and pulled on the new shirts. Michael throwing his blood stained one in the back of Calum's car. "Alright. Let's get the hell out of here before the cops show up. I've got to get back to Luke. I'm sure he's scared shitless right now."

Calum nodded and hurried in his car as he waited to drive off.

Michael walked back to his car parked in the very back of the lot only to see Luke anxiously looking around. As soon as Luke spotted Michael he threw the door open and came running to him.

Michael wrapped his arm around Luke's shaking frame and clung to him for dear life. All of the tension Michael had was now gone.

"You ass!" Luke yelled as he pulled away and slapped Michael's arm.

Michael's eyebrows raised in surprise and confusion as Luke continued his assault. "What?"

"You said ten minutes tops! It's been an hour! I thought you were dead, damn it!" Luke yelled as he slapped Michael's arm again.

Michael could barely hear a laugh behind him, knowing it was Calum still waiting in his car

Michael grabbed both of Luke's arms to restrain him and frowned. "I know and I am so sorry baby. So sorry. But right now we need to go before the cops show up and arrest me, Alright?"

Luke's eyes went wide as he looked at Calum's car behind them before he nodded and hopped back into the passengers side. Both cars quickly took off and pulled down the street. Michael pulled up right beside Calum's cars and both boys rolled their windows down to speak.

"Should be any minute now." Calum states looking at his watch and then peering back to the street through the bushes.

And just like that, sirens and blue lights filled the air as dozens of cop cars, SWAT vans, and ambulances went by.

The three boys watched in awe as the cars passed.

They all sat there in silence before agreeing to go back to Michael's place.

- - -

Luke felt an extreme sense of comfort as he relaxed into the seat of the couch.

Michael and Calum were busy talking about what had just happened.

He wasn't in danger anymore and he didn't have to live in constant fear. He knew Michael would always protect him but he also knew what that organization was capable of.

Those poor people that had been separated from their families would finally be reunited.

The small boy found his eyes falling heavy due to pure exhaustion until the other two boys conversation caught his attention.

"Wait." He said as he sat up and looked at both Michael and Calum. "Did you just say you shot them? Shot who?"

Michael and Calum looked at each other before Michael let out a sign. "The CEO, Benjamin, and uh the trainer, um-" Michael stopped as he tried to recall the name.

"Brian? Was that his name?" Luke spoke.

"Yeah." Michael mumbled briefly looking at Calum before locking gazes with the blonde. "I know I told you I would never do that again but I was so angry at what they had done to you Luke and-"

"Did you kill them?" Luke interrupted, his face remained emotionless.

Michael frowned as he looked at the boy's dark eyes and emotionless face. "Yes."

But what worried Michael the most was the satisfied smile that took over Luke's features. "Good." 

A/N: I'm so sorry it's been so long. My job is killing me and I currently trying to finish up my hardest class in college so please bare with me! Please please vote and comment. I miss y'alls comments! Without comments I have no motivation to write.
Word Count: 709

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