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A/N: I had this written a week ago and forgot to post it. Sorry....

"Are you sure you want to do this Luke? It's not too late, we haven't rung the doorbell yet-okay now you've rung the doorbell. No backing out now I guess." Michael groaned as he rambled on while the two boys stood on the front porch of the Hemmings household.

Michael's rambling made Luke's nerves die down as he let out a laugh and squeezes Michaels hand. "It's fine. We leave for vacation tomorrow so if it goes wrong then we go to the Maldives and never come back."

Michael laughs as he pinches Luke's cheek lightly before the door swings opens. Luke is too busy freezing in his place to notice Michael looking the older looking Luke up and down.

"Luke." The man smiles and that's all it takes for the blonde to let go of Michaels hand and attach himself to the man at the door.

"Jack!" Luke beams as he holds onto his brother a little longer before pulling back to look at him. "Oh my-I didn't know you'd be here! Fuck you're old!"

Jack chuckles as he shakes his head. "I'm not old, I'm 24 Luke. Come on, come in."

Luke smiles before he grabs Mikey's hand and pulls him in. "Jack, this is my boyfriend, Michael."

Michael smiles as he sticks his hand out to shake the brothers hand. Jack looks at Michael and shakes his hand while giving a little smile. "Michael, nice to meet you. Mum and dad never said anything about a boyfriend?"

Luke frowned as he heard this but continued walking further into the house. "I'm sure they were just shocked to know I wasn't dead."

Jack frowned at Luke's casual talk before walking through the nice house and out to the back deck. "Hey, look who's here."

Mikey smiled as he looked at Luke while he talked to his parents

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Mikey smiled as he looked at Luke while he talked to his parents. Mikey was happy things were going well however he couldn't help but feel that this whole situation was weird. He didn't want to ruin it for Luke but he was pissed at the parents. How could they do that to their son? Mikey loves Luke with all of his heart and he couldn't even begin to imagine putting Luke through something like that just to get some extra money. He would get ten different jobs before he would sell Luke out.

"Mikey-" Luke chuckled as he poked Mikey's cheek causing the older to smile as he looked up.

"Yeah babe?" Mikey smiled before he looked over at Luke's family to see the, all staring back at him. "Oh-I'm so sorry, I was somewhere else."

Thankfully the family just smiles and nods before Liz speaks up. "So Michael, how did you and Luke actually meet?"

Michael cursed in his mind as he looked at Luke and smiled nervously. "Erm, we'll actually it's a little bit of a story but to keep it short, uh-"

"He's actually the one that got me out of that place, mum." Luke smiles as he speaks up and squeezes his boyfriends hand.

Much to Michael's relief the family seemed to accept that answer and was quite eager to learn about their trip they'd be leaving for tomorrow.

Much to Michael's relief the family seemed to accept that answer and was quite eager to learn about their trip they'd be leaving for tomorrow

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The dom stood in the doorway with a smile on his face as he watch Luke run around and grab last minute things to throw in his suitcase. His smile only grew as he heard Luke mumble a few things to himself. And while Michael should probably finish his packing, he had other things on his mind.

"Hey baby. Come take a break." Mikey spoke as he walked into their room and pulled Luke back by his hip.

Luke smiled as he looked at his suitcase and allowed his dom to pull him back. "But I'm almost done, daddy."

Mikey hummed as he kissed Luke's neck. "Hmm I see but daddy needs your attention right now baby."

The words sent chills through Luke's spine. The words always ignited something in Luke as his body lit up in excitement. "Hm yes daddy."

In the quickest moment the two boys stood naked in front of each other before Luke was lifted and gently set back down on the bed. Michael couldn't help the smirk that tugged at his lips

In no time the two lovers find themselves tangled together in rough, messy, heated movements.

Soft moans escape Luke swollen lips every time Michael thrusts.

Michael groans as he hears Luke's moans. The small noises only motivating him further to pleasure the boy beneath him. "Fuck! Are you close baby?"

Luke's face scrunched up as he keeps his eyes closed and simply nods. Michael can hardly take it anymore but when he feels the blonde clench around him he loses it completely.

The older's moans and swears fill the room as Luke opens his eyes just in time to watch his doms face twist in pleasure. The sight in itself pushes Luke over the edge and before they know it both boys have collapsed on the bed in a sweaty, sticky mess.

Luke waits to regain his breathe before he speaks. "I love you. But now we have to finish packing."

Michael can't help but laugh as he knows that's all Luke was thinking about the whole time. "I love you too babe. Alright, let's pack and go to the Maldives."

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