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Lance pov

"Well if you ask me and why wouldn't you ask me I'm amazing-"I start but I'm cut off.

"Lance please just...stop. We don't have time for you to be joking around" allura says. The door opens a tired pidge walks in, large bags under her eyes, hair messed up.

"Sorry I'm late"she slurs out and falls into her seat.

"Its fine"allura says.

"Anyway so I was sa-"I started to contribute my idea but once again find myself unable to finish.

"Lance! What did I tell you." Allura shouts giving me a glare, but I was actually trying to be serious.

"Yes I know bu-"I try to explain.

"Oh god just shut the hell up for once!"pidge yells, her head resting tiredly in her hands. Yes this hurt but she was tired so I understood...what did hurt was that no one stood up for me, actually most of them seemed to nod in agreement. So I kept my mouth shut through the whole meeting then made my way to my living quarters. Entering my room I sit on my bed resting my head in my hands. They all seem annoyed by me, I've always seen it I've just refused to acknowledge it...maybe if I...change, maybe if I stop talking, that would be easier on them...on a lot of people actually, but how can I be positive I'll stop, how can I find a solution that might actually work....

Then it dawned on me. Getting from my bed I pass Keith in hallway a towel in his hand.

"Hey Keith I-"I start but he brushes past my nudging my shoulder slightly. I grab my shoulder and walk to his room entering. If he doesn't want to listen then I'll just grab what I need. I find his knife collection and steal one taking it to my room.

Once I get there I stare at the blade that will change things forever... I needed a permanent solution, no one would care if my annoying voice was ever heard again. I decide not to cut off my tung still needing to eat, so I cut through my neck just deep enough to hopefully damage the part that helps me speak. The sensation burning, the feeling of skin and flesh tearing apart by my own hands was horrible, worse then any pain I've ever felt, my neck soon started to feel wet, halfway through I got started to get dizzy and tears were falling down my face from how slow and how hard it was to do this. I was so affriad I wouldn't be able to finish the job, that I wouldn't have the strength the tug the blade through the rest of my neck making irreplaceable damage, my hands shook so much as I grabbed the blade, I try to pull on it but my hands slip off from the slippery wet blood coating them, I try to gasp for air but that only caused more blood, more bleeding, and more dark black spots to appear in my vision, the knife shifted and tore through parts in my neck I didn't plan on it hitting. I try to gasp for air but it couldn't, my only solution was to get the knife out so I could breath...or die. So I frantically grabbed the handle of the blade and tore it through my neck, opening my mouth and forcing air through my throught, I was trying to scream, but no noise came out...just had to yank it a band aid.

Finally its done and I pull the blade out my neck and find it easier to breath though with each breath a burning sensation not only hit my neck but the flesh under some skin on my neck, blood falls fast and I wrap an old scarf from space mall around my neck to stop the bleeding and rinse off Keith's bloody blade. I run back to Keith's room setting the blade back where it belongs. Once I make it to my room finally my brain has decided to calm down the adrenalin wearing of....I'm tired so tired, and I'm in so much pain....I pass out on my bed.

I hear alarms blaring. Forcing my dizzy body out of the bed, I run to the training room where everyone is. They all give me dirty looks.

"Save it lance I don't even want to hear what you have to say"allura says, which makes a slight smile appear on my lips...I finally did something right...haha...

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