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I'm this world shiro was put back into his clone body but they also still have the castle.

Shiros pov

Ever since I had gotten back memories from the clone had slowly been coming back, you gotta hand it to him he did a really good job on mimicking me.

Everything was exactly like it was before I had left...well almost everything, lance had pulled back and always looked nervously or scared when I was around.

I'll talk to him about it later.


We just finished training, everyone had done a great job, I tolled them all how wonderful they did and when I finished I notice lance had left, I head out the door and walk down the hallway, I see lance in his amour walking to his room, I speak up my pace to catch up to him. Once I'm by his side we are in awkward silence, then I remembered lance loves high fives, I don't know what it was but joy always seemed to light his face up brighter then a Christmas tree when I gave him a high five, of course apparently I was his hero so...

"You did a good job."I say offering him a smile and lift my hand up for him to smack it. I expected his could exterior to crack, for a shining smile to take over his face and for him to say he had been messing with me this whole time.

I didn't not expect him to flinch and back away from me slightly. I didn't except the to hear him whimper out a sorry.i didn't not expect terror to take over his face.i put my hand down and lance walks away from me quickly. I stand in my place and feel a pain in my head, it grows until it's in the front of my head, then slowly the pain leaves and i am in front of a lance who has a red mark on his face and tears in the corners of his eyes. He takes his hand and brings it up to the pulsating section of red skin.

"I'm sorry..."he mutters and looks down.

"That's not enough,try harder next time." A voice like mine says, and I see a metallic arm raise in the air.

"W-wait please."lance pleads out and then I find myself standing in the hallway again leaning against the wall.

That must have been another memory...holy shit! That was a memory, I find myself running down the hallway to lances room, I start nocking frantically on his door. He opens it a tired look in his eyes that soon turns to fear.

"Yes?"he asks keeping his voice surprising calm.

"I'm so sorry..."I breath out, lance looks confused.

"What? Why are you sorry?"he asks genuine confusion plastered onto his face.

"I-I just got the memory back of hitting you"I say and feel shame wash over me.

"Memory? just on—uh, I mean yeah, it's fine I probably deserved it."lance says shaking his hand in the air dismissively. I feel myself freeze up, did I?

"Did I hit you more then once?"I ask him now fearful that he had been harmed by these hands on more then one occasion.

" only once."he says after along pause as if debating wether going deeper into it.

"Lance?"I say in a more serious tone, I need him to tell me the truth, when I use my seriousness voice he stiffens slightly and his eyes jerk over to my hands.

"Look maybe more then once."he says quickly.

"How many times?"I ask him, my hands started to burn the idea that they had come to harm my team making the need to burn them off my body grow.

"Look, once twice who's keeping count, I know I'm not."lance says and offers a smile.

"Lance how many times, and did I hurt anyone else?"I ask the new possibility I hurt anyone else making the guilt in my chest grow, it felt like it was eating my insides burning away at my organs ripping my heart to shreds with each new thought.

"It was just me, don't worry I kept your team safe."he says.

"I want to make this better, I want to make it up to you."I say. Lance bits his lip.

"Uh, Yeah sure. Just not now, I'm kind of in the middle of something."lance says, I feel a glimmer of hope enter my soul he was willing to let me try and fix this.

"Yeah sure, when ever you want to."I say with a smile and start to leaves.

"Uh shiro also...what ever happens next, just know you still are my hero."lance says and gives me a smile, he then enters his room shutting the door behind him, I walk away from the door more confused then I had been before I came to his room.

Lances pov

I stare down at my wrists red blood pouring down them fast, I'm glad I finished up the conversation with shiro, I would have passed out right in front of him. I could still feel the burning sting of his flesh hand hitting my jaw, and I can still feel the pain of his metal arm breaking my jaw multiple times, I remember the pain I was in when I walked to the healing pod and how I tolled them I had messed up during training when I was out, which I had messed up, that's why shiro punished me.

I close my eyes and use my blade to make more cuts on my arm as the memory's come back, they all felt so fresh in my mind.

I know shiro wants to make it better, but let's be honest...that clone was shiro, it had all his memory's and reasoning... the only difference was it wasn't afraid to show me how shiro Truly felt about me he hated me, he thought I was the weakest link, I was useless and stupid in his eyes....besides now we have the one two many paladins problem again...I think maybe I'll just solve this one on my own.

And with those last thoughts my mind went so fuzzy I could no longer comprehend things, and not long after my vision, my hearing, my feeling....all went away, and finally I was set free.

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