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I hope those of you who celebrate Halloween had a great time and got externally sick on sweets.

And for those who don't, I hope you still had a good day.

Shiros POV

Everything seemed...surprisingly calm after I came back. It was a nice change. It was nice to be surrounded by people instead of being in the endless voiceless space in the astral plain where the only thing I had to busy myself with was the lions thoughts....and that one time lance showed up, it was only for a few seconds but I sure was gonna ask him about what his demise was, was being shot at in the field of battle, a stupid mistake on his part...I spent a lot of my time theorizing while in the astral plain.

We sat in a circle around the fire, the burning red lighting up people's faces as they talk to one another. I look over at lance who sits by himself. He has been more isolated lately. I turn towards the group who are smiling and chatting.

"I've heard so many story's, they all sound crazy... but there is one INSANE story I haven't heard yet, lance died? Why have none of you tolled me about that?"I question, I hear someone chocking and the a gasp escape from someone's lips.

"YOU WHAT!"an angry green paladin shouts. What? I thought they new about that? Was I not supposed to say anything? Oh god did I just ruin everything?

I look over at lance who has wide eyes and a stiff posture. He smiles and waves his hand at all the people staring at him.

"Whaaat, no, no. I don't know what would prompt shiro to say such obvious deceits, allura are you sure he's fully healed, maybe he's delusional."lance says, his words holding strong and his personality quickly turning happy, despite his obvious distress earlier.

"Dude, I saw you in astral plain."I say, welp I've already gone this far, why not finish it.

"How did you come back?"

"Why did you not tell us?!"

"Why won't you trust us, we are family?"

They all ask frantically.

"A-allura."is all lance stammers out his face having gone pale now. We all whip our heads over to face Allura who now sits there with a scared look on her face.

"Why did you not tell us?!"pidge shouts as she stands up and takes strides towards the princess, hunk grabbing her wrist at the last second though you could tell he was tempted to let go.

"U-um, it was the heat of battle, and it must have slipped my mind."allure says stammering slightly.

"What about after?! What about all the time after?!"Keith now shouts, hunk sits looking away, but don't be fooled you could see the smoke floating off of him, and the fire burning under his skin.

" was over and dealt with, he was no longer dead. didn't seem necessary to focus on something that no longer...was a big deal..."allura says, her words getting softer and softer.

"No longer a problem, and your boyfriend was more important than our dear friend dying, we have been living with a zombie, for months....and we never knew. Touching his hands that once were ice cold, looking into his eyes that had been drained of all light, hearing the breath that once was absent....and we never knew how much to cherish princess, why don't you let someone with a clearer head make the calls...and next time you want to push my friend off to the side, you may gladly fuck off."hunk says in a dark tone, his eyes sending a glare that surely wold destroy this planet at any moment. Allura stammers for a second before she puts her head down.

"And you lance, why? Why wouldn't you tell us, don't you trust us?"hunk asks, lance looks up tears glistening in his eyes.

"Um...never seemed important, and you never mentioned it...I thought it didn't matter."lance says his voice cracking. They get closer to him wrapping him in warm hugs and give words of comfort.

"Thanks guys."lance says once they finally pulled apart.

"What did it feel like to die? What did it feel like to come back to life? Did you see shiro in the astral plain? What was it like in the astral plain? Did you see heaven? How long were you dead?"pidge starts asking questions rapidly, making lance slightly uncomfortable.

"Why is your hair brown and not white? Weren't you put back into your dead body? Would that have side effects?"pidge continues on, all lance can do is grasp a strand of his hair and let his eyes widen before he looks over at me.

After that we thought all would be fine...

But as the days went on, lance grew more and more tired, his skin grew paler and paler. Coran did check ups but all that he could find was that lances heart was no longer beating. It terrified us every time he went to sleep, he looked almost dead.

At some point we saw some white puss on his cheek, the white puss, grew taking up more of his face...and lance continued to grow tired.

He's teeth started growing yellow, and started to break.

One day a maggot crawled out his sleeve and we found a hole in his skin that it came out of it.

Then one day.

"Lance! What are you doing?!"I shout and run up to lance who holds a gun towards his head.

"Shiro! You know the bliss of death please let me do this!"lance shouts. Tears running down his face.

"Lance? Everything was going so well, we-we we're becoming a better team....why now?"I ask tears starting to well up in my eyes.

"I-I can feel them, the maggots. The crawl underneath my skin, I can feel them move through my body, when they get close my ears I can here the snapping of their jaws and other noises. I'm molding, my body is turning green and white with puss and mold, spots of bloated skin are staring appear, I-I'm mind is alive and working...but my's decaying..."lance says, his voice weak. He lifts up his shirt and I see a massive hole in his stomach, crawling with maggots and flies, puss spouting up from the sides, and mold growing in the center, He is deathly pale...

"Let me do this...this is no way to live shiro, I'm scared, and I feel uncomfortable in my own skin, every minute all I want to do is tear off my flesh and leave myself in bones...which could actually happen if I keep decaying like this..."lance pleads... I couldn't even argue with him, it was disgusting to stare at, how must he feel knowing that WAS him. I look back up at his face, which has started to mold and disappear as well...

"O-okay..."I mutter.

"Thank you."he says, then he looks up at the sky and closes his eyes. Then I watch him pull the trigger and see his decaying corpse fall to the if he had been dead for years.

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