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Not really langst but i thought it was cute.

Keith's pov

I peck shiro on his cheek and lance grabs both our hands, a nervous look on his face.

"It will be fine..."shiro whispers to lance before kissing his forehead.

I fondly watch my two boyfriends before pidge and hunk join us. We walk out holding hands but as soon as we exit the room we all let go.

"This is going to take some time to get used too."coran says as his eyes connects with the other half galran in front of us.

"Be assured you can trust me"he says getting to his feet, his eyes start glancing over all of us, but they stop and stare when they get to lance. A small smirk creeps into lotors face. I frown keeping myself from pulling lance into my body and kissing him. I hear low noise made from shiro as well that seems to go unnoticed by everyone else.

"If anything him destroying his father, his own blood for us is enough to prove his loyalty. So yes coran you will need to get used to this" allura says.

"Lance can you show him to the spare room"allura says. What no! He cant be left alone with that creep. I see lotors smirk grow.

"Sure"lance says with a shrug.

"Wait! of us should go with you"shiro says clearing his throat.

"Yes i totally agree with that"i speak up and take a step towards lance.

"Nonsense this is an easy job only one person is needed. We need you here to think up new plans"allura says.

"Bu-"i start but cut myself off and look at lance. He looks slightly hurt and now glances at the floor. I want to pull him in for a hug, and i was about to before lance started moving.

"Come on lotor"he said, his voice slightly deflated but a wide smile on his lips. Me and shiro glance at each other knowing we will make sure lance knows how important he is later

Lances pov

"I'm sure you'll love it here"i say, my voice sounding cheery and a smile plastered on my lips...they didn't need me. Give the fuck up a list of unimportant things to do while they do the real stuff.

"Well with your shiny personality and beautiful face how could anyone hate it here"lotor says, i feel my face flush.

"Um...oookay? Anyway here is your room. Do you need help with anything else?"i ask him. He has a more calm and relaxed look on his face and small grin.

"No, but thank you for this, gorgeous" he says giving me a wink. My face heats up once again and my whole body stiffens.

"Alright"i say and walk back to the main room. I sit in the chair my body still stiff, shiro and Keith take notice of my awkward figure.

"What happened?" Shiro asks.

"L-"i start but am cut off my allura.

"Lance please don't disrupt us"she says and goes back to talking. I got in the way of their important work, i am a total screw up. I mentally face palm, but still stay in my same position, no smile and straight body. Finally we finish, i barely got to say anything allura always dismissing me when ever i tried. I noticed my two boyfriends give me glances every time i was shot down.

It's over now, i stand up from my chair. I feel shiro wrap his arms around my shoulders hugging me from the back kissing my cheek and Keith hugs me from the front kissing my other cheek.

My lips form into a smile, and my whole body heats up. Happiness showers through me and my chest feels like something is squeezing it keeping me from breathing. The magic of having the two best boys in the world love me makes me cheer up instantly.

"You guys know how to make my feel better"i whisper and pull out of their grip and give them a hug.i drag them both by their hands to the room we share which was shiros because it was the biggest.

I fall onto the bed and huff.

"Does anyone else have a bad feeling about lotor?"i ask them, they both look at me and nod their heads vigorously.

"But we should try trusting him"shiro says though he looks like he doesn't want to. Silence fills the room, not awkward tho.

"We should head down for dinner" i tell the boys.Keith groans and flops on the bed.

"But I'm so tired"he whines.

"Ey, none of that come eat with us baby"i say to Keith winking at him. He groans again and continues to not move. Shiro picks Keith up and slings him over his shoulder.

"No shiro put me down i can walk myself!"Keith yells attempting his hardest to break out of shiros grip.

"Nope you've lost that privilege"shiro says and starts walking out the room, me trailing behind watching Keith struggle to get free.

"Lance! Help!"he shouts reaching his hand for mine. I grab his hand and kiss the top of it but then let go.

"Nah, this looks like your problem"i laugh.

"We had a bonding moment!"he shouts and i continue to laugh. I speed up and walk by shiros side grabbing his hand that was free. We enter the dinning room and shiro puts Keith down in his chair.

Keiths pov

Shiro sits down next to me and lance sits on the other side of me.

Soon the door opens and lotor and allura walk in, the rest of us were already here. I see lotor smile at lance and slide into the seat next to lance. Lance looks at him confused but continues to talk to hunk.

"Hello lance, i see you look as lovely as you did earlier"lotor says.

"Um...thanks?"lance responds and goes back to eating. I know i am staring daggers at lotor but i cant stop it. I turn to look at shiro who is gripping his spoon tightly in his hand. He looks at me as well and we both silently agree to kill lotor later.

"You know I've heard things about your amazingly friendly personality but i think i like the way shy looks on you as well"lotor says, a smile on his face, lances shoulders tense. I feel my breathing stop as i refrain From killing lotor with a fucking spoon.

"I also hear you like half galrans, i must tell you when i found that out i was ecstatic"lotor says, i finally feel myself lose it before i can even process what I'm doing i find myself straddling lance and pulling him closer by his coat collar and giving him a long kiss.

We finally pull away from each other and i look at lotor with a smug look on my face as i feel saliva connected from my mouth to lances.

"He's ours"i spit out at lotor, who now wears a shocked look. I turn to look at shiro but he's not in his seat no instead he's behind lance. I get off of lance and sit in my seat.

"Ours? Who else has the pleasure call lance theirs?"lotor asks, this asshole still has the audacity to flirt with after i almost started fucking him in his chair.

"Yeah, ours."shiro says sternly as he picks up lance an sits in lances chair putting the lanky boy in his lap. Lance seems content with this and snuggles closer to shiro. The whole table is now quite, and this time it's awkward.

"Well that was gay"pidge says all of the sudden and i cant help but laugh along with the others...besides the aliens who don't understand what gay means.

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