5 days

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Keiths pov

I see the door of the blue paladins room and continue my trek towards it. The happy boy had borrowed my sleeping pills and I need them, he dosent seem to be the kind of person with trouble sleeping but hey who am I to judge. I walk to the room and nock. I hear something hit the floor but no one answers me.

"Lance!"I call. I hear a faint, 'go away' from the other side. Uh fuck no, I actually want to sleep tonight and to do so I need those pills.

"I'm coming in asshole!"I shout and put my hand to the scanner. The door instantly opens up. I met with the sight of lance standing on a chair holding a onto the loop of a rope hanging from the ceiling and his tan arms out in the open, each arm containing thousands of cuts, some fresh and gushing out blood by the second.

"Oh my god lance!"I shout and rush to his side. I grab his arm pulling him to the floor. He hits the ground and lets out a whine.

Fuck, what do I do, what do I do?! Do I unhook the noose, wait no, maybe talk to lance, oh shit! No I need to clean his cuts. I'll do both at the same time.

I pull lance with me to his bathroom. I force him to the ground and grab some gauze and the alien version of rubbing alcohol.

"Lance, why did you do this"I ask him as I start cleaning his wounds.

"I have no purpose here, I am a useless place holder, a terrible soldier and to put it plainly I have lost all reasons to wake up in the mornings."he says, I am quite stunned at how easily he admitted it to me. Usually people are more reluctant to open up.

"Why are you so open about this, I mean its nice...but strange"I speak my thoughts, he glances back into his room then at me.

"Because I want one person to know how i truly feel before I go"he says, the cold look in his eyes was just enough to send chills down my spine.

"Wait, no, no you won't go, you'll stay with us, I won't let you."I say, and feel the grip of the hand around his wrist tighten.

"You can't stop me, there are millions of ways I could kill myself and you wouldn't be able to see it comming. Besides I'm just shocked that you care" he says in his monotone voice. How little does he think of me that I wouldn't care if he killed himself.

"Lance of course I care! Please let me help"I beg, I hear him scoff, and I start cleaning his arms again this time I put on bandages.

"Please Keith. Just let this be easy, I am so tired, I just want to sleep, I am so tired of trying to find reasons to wake up, I'm so tired of pulling my body out of bed each morning just find no one cares if I'm around. Let me sleep Keith, let me be free"he pleads and grabs onto my hand that's putting on bandages with his free hand. I feel tears spill over my eyelids, the happy paladin telling me he was going to kill himself no matter what, him pleading with me to make it easier for him to do it. The sound of his up tone voice being tainted with the ruffness you only get from crying, the same voice pleading, begging, negotiating for death.

"Lance-"my voice cuts off and I have to clear my throat.

"Lance, give me 5 days, 5 days to try and convince you that your life has so much worth and importance. If by then its not enough...i'll- I'll let you..."my voice breaks of again this time by a sob. I take deep breaths and calm myself down. Finally I look up to lance.

"Okay...5 days"he says and walks away from me and into his room. I follow him and head to the door leading out of his room.

"Wait!"lance calls and I turn to him. I see him pulling the noose down and slipping it under his bed.

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