Part 44

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"Name and form are simply illusions of separation. Love doesn't make us blind; rather, it erases the illusion so we can see clearly."

-Kamand Kojouri


My fingers itched for a cigarette, or a pill, or just fucking anything.

I had been home for about three days and all I wanted to do was get high. The likelihood of me getting my wish was about -100 as my mother had made it her mission not to leave me alone.

Although she didn't say it, I knew she had hidden all the medication and pills we kept in the house away from me.

I knew she was just trying to help, but all I wanted was to be alone.

It felt like I was always being watched.

It was like everyone was against me.

Devon, Levi, Michael, Azeem, Rebecca, hell even fucking Ian had been by to see me.

It was all just too much. It was driving me crazy.

I was beyond overwhelmed and it was sheer torture that they expected me to put up with all this without getting at least drunk first.

I needed something to take the edge off.

Currently, I was sitting on the living room couch watching Pretty Little Liar reruns with my mom.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" She asked turning to me.

"Don't you have work?" I asked tiredly. Although the conversation had only just started, I was already tired of speaking to her.

"I took some time off of work." She answered. I turned away from the screen towards her. She was still facing the tv.

I was annoyed. Everything was annoying me.


"So, I can spend time with you."

Hadn't the last week been enough?

I snapped "What about the bills? How are they supposed to be paid if you're here with me all the fucking time? I don't need a babysitter, you know."

She turned to me slowly. Her face blank.

"The bills are taken care of. You don't need to worry about that stuff." She said slowly as her eyes watched me closely.

I laughed rudely. "How did you pull that off?" I asked doubtfully. "We can talk about this another time." She said quickly turning back to the tv.

"Answer my fucking question."

"I understand all this anger is the withdrawal speaking, but I need you to stop yelling at me." She snapped back. Her brown eyes a shade darker in anger. Her face quickly relaxed. "If you must know, the Forresters offered to cover the medical bills and my savings are covering everything else." She finished.

Who the hell were the Forresters?

"Who are the Forresters?" I asked voicing my thought.

She sighed before turning to me again. "The nice people who sent you that beautiful flower bouquet."

Ashley's family.

I knew I was being irrational, but knowing it was them made me angrier. We weren't some charity case that needed their help.

Before I could voice my thoughts, the doorbell rang.

I quickly got up to answer the door. Suddenly, a hand was pulling me back.

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