Bonus (Character Answers)

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I opened my eyes to a blinding light. How did I get here? Where was here?

I looked around me. I was on a stage. Sitting on my left sat Emma, Levi, Michael, Ian, and a purple hair person I didn't know. On my right sat Ashley, Devon, Rebecca, and Azeem.

"Does anyone know how the fuck we ended up here?" Levi said turning to us.

"I don't know, the last thing I remember was going to bed," Michael said in confusion. Now that he mentioned it, that was the last thing I remembered too.

I looked at the others. Everyone seemed confused. We were all in our pajamas.

"Oh my Allah, the aliens got us," Azeem whispered in horror. "We were not abducted by aliens," Rebecca said swiftly as she gave Azeem a dirty look.

I turned to Emma. She said nothing. A small frown on her face.

Suddenly a woman appeared before us. "Welcome to 'The Stoner & The Blind Girl' reunion and character ask special." She announced as she turned to the crowd. Suddenly there was a rawr of clapping.

What the f-

"Some people submitted some questions for you guys, all you have to do is answer. Do you understand?" The lady said looking at us.

We all turned to each other before nodding slowly. I think we were all too confused to argue.

"Wonderful!" The woman yelled happily.

"We'll start with you Azeem because you weren't really supposed to be here." The woman said happily as she turned to him.

His faced paled.

"What do you mean I wasn't supposed to-" He started. "Azeem, at the beginning of part 32 Daniel went to Ashley's house and ran into you at the elevator. Why were you shirtless that day?" The woman asked cutting him off.

How did she know about that?

Azeem turned to me. A look of panic on his face before he turned to Ashley.

Azeem crossed his arms over his chest. I had just noticed he wasn't actually wearing a shirt now either.

"I don't sleep with a shirt on and I had spent the night at Ash's." His answer sounding more like a question.

The crowd laughed.

"But, why were you leaving shirtless?" The woman asked.

Azeem frowned. Micheal took his hand in his.

"Ugh, I had just woken up and Ashley and I got into a fight. I guess, I just forgot to put my shirt back on." He said slowly.

I looked at Ashley. Her eyes were set on the ground.

They got into a fight that day? Neither of them had ever mentioned it.

I guess her telling him not to call made more sense now...

"Thank you for your candor."

Suddenly Azeem vanished. His chair empty.

Ashley screamed. "What just happened?" Emma asked in a panic.

"What the fuck did you do to him?" Michael yelled.

"Everyone calm down. He is fine." The woman said her voice still light and happy as if someone hadn't just disappeared before our eyes.

"Oh my gosh, he was right. The aliens did get us." Rebecca muttered in horror.

I was too shocked to speak. People don't just disappear.

"Okay, next we'll do the author because this must be strange writing about yourself." The woman said turning to the purple hair person who sat a few feet away from us.

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