chapter 2

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oh no! not him! Anyone but him! Its 3rd period and we have a sub! I cant take this not today! The subs name is Mr. crystal he's very annoying and wont shut up!

not even for a min! he just keeps talking and talking getting me Angier and angrier oh I can feel it akasha is pissed at him. I can feel my nails turning to

claws. my teeth her anger is over whelming I ask to go out side to calm down the assistant teacher says ok.. im on my way out and crystal comes at me.

standing so close I can hear his blood within his veins. I try to leave.... but its to late akasha has control and gives him a verbal whiplash from hell!

she's ready to rip his head off! I force her to walk outside but crystal keeps talking to me saying "your very rude" akasha says "well who ever said I was nice?!"

I think if he comes any closer she'll kill him and that wont be to good. but he has no common since. he just keeps talking and talking. im mad akasha is fuming along with ranting and raving

begging to be let loose to tear him apart. you see she likes the site of blood it calms her but she happens to be very pissed off.

man im in the principals' office yet again. I don't know what happened but Mr. crystal is holding the left side of his face. it looks like akasha got a hold of him. Mr. crystal is bleeding really bad.

uh-oh Mrs. carpenter just called me in "hello Mrs. carpenter how are u?" "sit down and be silent." "yes Mrs. carpenter." three hours later and im let got to go home. Serena is waiting for me along

with ... man.... Ricky. "what the hell is he doing in my room!" "now rose calm down he was worried about you." "yeah I was worried about you when you didn't come to lunch... I got you a big cookie..see?" "uhh..

thanks I think?" "I know what you and Serena are." Serena and I looked at each other and swallowed hard." I think its cool that you and Serena are

of magic." he said while walking to my door he turned around and said to me "by the way you looked when walking to school...see ya tomorrow." after Ricky was gone Serena and I started gossiping at


Serena got me up and we went to school together on the way Ricky met up with us. once at school a girl ran up to Ricky and hugged him. she had blond hair and brown eyes her name is Nicole must be Ricky's girlfriend.

Serena motions over her shoulder to a boy that is staring at me. he has dirty blond hair and steely grey eyes. I think his name is Jacob. he has been with every girl in the school with the exception of Serena and myself.

"what are you doing with these two Ricky? there wired and poor not at all like us." Ricky Serena and I just rolled our eyes. "their not wired or poor Nicole their kind and cool. you need to get your head out of the clouds

and come back down to earth." "well I never Ricky ream you and I are threw!" "oh come on Nicole don't be that way!" "oh well." "leave her.. she's a bitch anyway." "rose! that's not nice. I mean they just broke up." "its ok Serena

rose is right.. she is a bitch." its funny how fast Ricky became friends with Serena and I. as we came up to our class we took out seats and passed notes back and forth all hour long. they mostly had questions like "why did you take my blood?"

and "why is Serena such a goodie goodie and your the trouble maker?" and the one that caught me off guard ..."would you like to come to my house for a sleep over?" "woo! why does he want me to go to a sleep over?" " calm down rose.. I already told you he likes you.. he prob wants to get to know you more. lets face it you are very quit and serious.. he just wants to see your wild and fun side."

"so rose what do you say about my sleep over invitation?" "she says yes and that she would love to go!" "Serena!!" "great! Ill get everything ready ...ill pick you up at 8 pm tomorrow!" oh if looks could kill Serena would be so dead! "don't blame me for getting you and Ricky together."

"rose." man its Jacob. "hi Jacob. What's up?" "nothing much you?" "oh nothing." "hey I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" "sorry Jacob but rose has a date with another guy tomorrow and neither rose or I would ever go out with the likes of you."

"I wasn't asking you Mrs. Goodie two shoes, I was asking rose." "do you really wish to know my answer?" "yes!" "ok well you asked for it , you're a no good liar and a dog that has a diseases and not to mention you have been with almost every girl in the whole school, you filthy son of a gun!!"

at this point Serena was laughing for the rest of the day. Why you ask. Well after Jacob went storming off and fell into a trash can...head first! Later on when Serena told Ricky about all this he went over to Jacob and punched him right in the kisser! Now that made the rest of my day.

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