{7} I don't usually do this on first dates...

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{7} I don't usually do this on first dates...

After Louis' failed meeting with Liam he went home. He decided to go home and read a book. Surprisingly. It's been 2 hours and he has just finished the book.

He read, The Skin I'm in by Sharon G. Flake. A friend had told him about it a long time ago but he never read it, until now. It's a really good book. Even made him cry. (A/n seriously, it's a great book and easy read. Everyone should read this book.)

But now that the book is over Louis' mine has drifted back to Liam. Why go through so much trouble to meet up and talk then ditch? Louis would never understand. He frowns.

"No one will ever love me." He whimpered quietly. Liams a downright asshole and Louis will not let him get to him. Louis pulls out his phone and blocks Liams number before going to his bedroom and going to sleep.

Not even bothering to change his clothes.


Harry frowned as he laid down next to Zayn. "I don't normally do this on a first date." He spoke as he stared at Zayns bedroom ceiling. Zayn turned to him and smiled.

"Me either. But...you're beautiful and we got along so well..."Zayn trailed off. He doesn't do this in first dates either.

Harry sits up and looks at Zayn naked body and bites his lip. Zayn is a good 8" and he has really nice abs and tattoos that litter his body. He's just so hot and practically hairless. Harry frowns as he stares down at himself.

Zayn sits up and places his hand in Harrys lower back. "You okay, love?" He questioned as he looked at Harry. Harry didn't look up at Zayn he just kept his head down.

"Do-Do you think I'm fat?" He asked. It was so quiet Zayn just barely missed it. Zayn gasped in shock and frowned. He put a finger under Harry chin and lifted his head so they were looking into each others eyes.

Harry eyes big, green and filled with tears.

Zayn smiled softly and pressed his lips to Harry before pulling back. "Babe, you are certainly not fat. If anything you're underweight. Why-Why? Do you...do you like...think you're fat?" He said softly, holding Harrys chin so he can't look away. Harry bit at his bottom lip.

"Maybe. A little...can we drop it? I-I shouldn't have said anything. You're probably into fat people anyway." He pulled his face away from Zayns hand. "God I'm so fucking fat." He said suddenly getting angry. Harry was standing up now and looking for his boxers.

Zayn got up to, easily finding his boxers. He walked over to Harry, slowly, before wrapping his arms around him. He felt Harry stiffen before relaxing and wrapping his arms around Zayn.

Zayn smile at the gesture.

"Harry, you're not fat and I don't exactly care about size. You're perfect. With your curly hair, green eyes, long legs, plump lip-"

"Please get to the point." Harry demanded softly as he pressed his face into Zayns neck. Zayn laughed lightly and rubbed up an down his back.

"My point is that you're a not fat and that you're beautiful in every single way." Zayn admitted. Harry pulled back and look up at Zayn. He looked in his eyes to see if he was lying.

He isn't.

But that doesn't change anything. Harry knows he's fat. Zayn is one person that thinks he isn't fat. Everyone else does. He sees the looks. The smirks. The snickers. The whispers. Oh the fucking whispers.

'Hes so fat and ugly'

'Who would ever like him?'

'He's just damn ugly'

A soft hand broke him out of his thoughts. Zayn was staring at him with a sad worried expression, his ham cupping Harrys face and he uses his thumbs to wipe away Harrys tears.

"Harry..."Zayn said softly. Harry just shook his head and he pushed Zayn hand away and pressed his face back into the crook of Zayn neck. He cried silently as his grip on Zayn tightened.

Zayn frowned and rubbed his hand up and down Harrys slightly sweaty back. His kissed the side if Harry face and swayed them are to side a little as he whispered sweet nothings in his ear.

After almost an hour Harry had calmed down enough an he pulled away softly. Zayn smiled softy at Harry. "You okay now?" He questioned. Harry nodded and looked down.

"Sorry...I definitely don't do this on a first date." He chuckled softly. Zayn smiled. He reached for Harrys waist and pulled Harry back against him. He used one hand and cupped Harry cheek. He glanced down at Harrys pink, plump lips. He looked back up to Harrys eyes already seeing them darkening a little with Lust.

He smiled once more before leaning down and pressing his lips to Harry. Harry pressed his palms flat against Zayn bare chest as he kissed back with force.

As the kiss got more heated, moans were heard, squeezing and grinding. They both stripped back down to being naked.

With every slow thrust Zayn whispered compliments. Like, you're so beautiful or just simply whispering perfect. Harry moaned and for the first time he was actually believing he wasn't fat and disgusting.

But as they both came, Zayn cumming in a condon, Harry cumming on his and Zayns chest, that feeling was back. He felt so fat and gross. Not because he had sex with Zayn on the first date but because he's sweaty. Like really sweaty and Zayn was the one doing all the work, this time. [the first time Harry was frustrated from all the teasing and rode Zayn]

"Wanna shower?" Zayn asked after a while of silence and both of them catching their breaths. Harry nodded and stood up slowly. Frowning because he's going to be in a shitload of pain tomorrow.

They took showers separately. Harry taking longer because he turned on the shower and forced himself to vomit before taking a shower.

Zayn didn't mine Harry taking a long shower. While Harry took a longer than usual shower, he clean up his room. Placing Harrys clothes on his desk chair in the corner and his in his hamper. He grabbed a pair of boxers and sweats Harry could wear. Zayn, personally, prefers to sleep naked or in only boxers. But if Harry wants him to 'cover up' he will. For now he settles for boxers.

By the time Harry got out of the shower, Zayn was laying in bed, one arm outstretched against the pillows the other over his eyes. Harry smiles because Zayn looks really hot in just a pair of tight dark purple boxers. His 'package' outlined perfectly. Harry noticed the clothes laid out and assumed it was for him so he puts them on. Zayn clothes are a bit big on Harry.

The sleeves too long, covering Harrys hands. The sweatpants were actually okay considering Harry has longer legs. But the boxers were too tight around the waist and then to 'airy'. Harry could feel the wind on his baby maker as he walked and it makes him uncomfortable. But he tried his hardest to ignore it.

Harry laid in the bed and pulled the covers over him and Zayn. Hesitantly, he place his head on Zayns shoulder and draped an arm around his middle. Zayn jumped a little before looking down, sleepily, at Harry. He smiled and reached over and turned off the bedside table lamp, the only light in the room. He wrapped his arms around him and kissed his forehead.

"Night curly. Hope you enjoyed our first date." He said with a yawn. Harry smiled.

"Night Zee and I had a blast."

A/n In a sense this is a filler. Sorry I didn't write out the smut. But this book will include a lot of fluff so that should make up for it.

Anyone think Zarry were going to go that far on a first date?

Thanks for reading.


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