{23} Midnight Memories

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Smut chapters are pretty long aren't they?

And we danced all night to the
Best song ever

We knew every line,

Now I can't remember, how is goes but I know that I

Won't forget her

It's turns out all it takes is tears, ice cream, chick flicks, talking about his emotions and one week is all Zayn needs to cope over the death of Liam's mother and sister.

University has been in session for a week and all five boys have been knee high in school work.

Niall is majoring in Forensic Science,

Liam hasn't chosen a major yet and Louis is majoring in English. Zayn is majoring in Art, not sure what he wants but he knows he likes art. Harry is double major with Music and Law.

Law because his parents forced him and music because he always like singing, although he hasn't sung in a while.

Right now Niall is off campus for lunch to be with Cameron who revealed she is living in an abusive home.

Louis and Liam are in the lunchroom. They sit together in the corner, secluded away from everyone else.

Currently Liam has his back up against the wall, Louis leaning against his chest in between Liam's legs. Liam is munching on some chips while Louis is playing with his fingers. Occasionally Liam would pick a chip in front of Louis so he'll eat.

"You think we'll be together forever?" Louis asks. He's in one of those moods, it's a rare accuracy. Where Louis is mushy.

Liam shrugs slightly. "I hope so." He says, kissing the top of Louis' head.

"Liam, I love you."

Liam's heart skips and he smiles down at Louis. He'll never get used to hearing Louis say those words to him.

When Louis doesn't get a reply he sits up and turns to Liam. He lets out a surprised squeak when Liam presses their lips and grabs his hips. Louis giggles against Liam's lips, pressing his palms flat against Liam's chest. They kiss for a while just enjoying their lips being pressed together.

"Get a room." A voice interrupts the two. Louis and Liam pull away, Louis blushes and hides his face in Liam's neck. Louis' legs are over Liam's now.

Liam looks up at Ryder. A guy they , Louis and Liam, had met their first day here. He's pretty okay. He's almost exactly like Louis. Sassy but you can't hate him, he's also very flamboyant. He is a Junior and happily engaged to Josias (a/n joe-sigh-hiss), a teacher at another school. No one has met him yet.

"What do you want Ryder?" Liam asks. Ryder smiled sweetly.

"I'm inviting you losers to my party tonight. You both can bring one other person since this is invite only." He speak handing them both a invitation, he sparkly pink nail polish practically glowing against the black envelope.

Liam grabs them both before shooing him away. "We'll be there, now go away." Ryder sticks out his tongue at Liam, too much sway in his hips as he walks away.

Louis hits Liam's chest playfully, pulling out of his neck to look at him. "That was uncalled for."

"I'm just trying to go back to kissing my sexy boyfriend." Liam says with a soft smile.

Louis rolls his eyes, "You're lucky I like you." Liam just laughs before pressing his lips to Louis'


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