{15} I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None on my fingers.

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{15} I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None on my fingers.

Quick side note- This is unedited and Thanks for the over 2k reads and over 200 votes. Love you all very much. xx


The truth hurts worse

Than anything I could bring myself to do to you


When Liam wakes up he notices a few things. One, he is fucking hot. Like he's feels like its the middle of summer and he has no AC so he's left to burn indoors.

Two, he's naked. Butt ass naked.

Three, he's wrapped up in somebody's arms and, except the fact that he's hot as hell, it feels nice.

Four, someone is trying to break in or someone is just banging really hard on the front door.

The body next to his groans and pulls away. "Make it stop babe."

That makes Liam opens his eyes, a smile making its way on his face when he sees Louis sleeping there. A tiny frown on his face. Louis turns to face Liam, his frown deepening.

"Are you going to get that or do I have to?"

"Sorry was...just thinking about...I'll go get it." Liam jumps out of bed and goes to the door. Swinging it open.

He is immediately crushed into a hug. He smells vanilla and cigarettes. Zayn, he thinks and hugs Zayn back.

Moments from last night suddenly flashes in Liam's mind. He and Louis kissing. He and Louis undressing each other. Louis riding him while moaning in ways that should be illegal.

A groans rips through his throat and Zayn pulls away.

"Did you just get a boner from hugging me? Why are you naked?"

"N-No. I was thinking about Louis. We were just. . .um"



"I heard about your family. Is every-"

"Zayn. Don't. I'm fine."

"Liam, are you sure? You know I'm here for you, always."

Liam laughs at that. Maybe he wouldn't if he wasn't just woken up at 6 in the damn morning but hell. What Zayns just said is funny.

"You're always there for me? That's funny because when I was going through this shit no one BUT Louis was texting, calling and even fucking emailing me. He was the only one genuinely worried about me. While you were off fucking Harry, I was-was fucking broken and I needed you. You weren't there."

Liam jumped when he felt a towel touch his bum. He turned his head slightly to see Louis in a pair of blue boxers. Liam took the towel from Louis wrapping it around his waist. He didn't notice he was crying until Louis' hand gently cupped his face and wiped away a tear.

"You okay?" He whispered. Liam nodded slightly. Zayn cleared his throat some.

"Look, Liam. I'm sorry," Liam scoffed. "I should've been there and I wasn't but I was going through my own thing,"

"Really Zayn? Pulling that bullshit card again?"


"No, no," A wicked smile made its way to his face. "Just like back in Wolverhampton. Remember when you decided to come visit for the summer? oh that's a summer I'll never forget."

"Liam, you-"

"Remember when you got piss drunk and you tried to have sex with me? I said no but you clearly didn't like that as you pinched me TWICE in the eye. What'd you do next? You fucking raped me."

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