Chapter 6: Leo Valgerd

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"Hello little lady." 

Well damit, guess I'm screwed. But how did he get in the yard?

"How did you get in?" I back up against the now closed back door. "Evelyn told me that no one could get in the yard or house unless I opened the gate to let them in. So how in the world did you get in?" I only hope that my voice sounds as strong as I think it does, I managed not to stutter anything but that would all be for not if I didn't sound convincing. 

"Well let's see. How did I get in?" He leans back with his hands behind his back, "Oh that's right, I used the key." He walks over to me and leans into my face so I look down to the ground so he can't see my eyes. "Now what I want to know is who are you, and how did you get into the house?" 

"Well sir, my name is Jacqueline and the day before yesterday I was kicked out of my village, wandered around the woods for about a day before I stumbled upon Evelyn. She then brought me to this place and helped me before telling me that she had to leave because her parents would be back today. Also that she would be back tomorrow." I gather my courage and look him dead in the eyes. 

It's only when I see his face that I realize my mistake. 

"You're a witch." He says this in almost the same way that Evelyn did yesterday. No fear, anger, or hate, just surprise. 

I quickly look back down. "Yeah, I am. So are you going to kick me out and burn the house down to the ground like my village did to me?"

I could tell that he wasn't going to do all of that, but might as well ask. 

He backs off and stumbles over some words, "I... Well.. You..." He sighs. "I am gonna kill her." He mumbles this to himself, but he is loud enough that I heard him.

"OK. Because she might have forgotten about me coming over, or I am wrong and I'm a day early, I will explain some things to you." 

I stick my tongue out at him. He practically just admitted that I was right and he was wrong. 

He sits down on a bench that's in the garden, and he beckons me over to sit next to him. I choose to sit on the ground in front of him instead. My dress is already in tathers and dirty as can be, so why not. 

"First off you know that the world has people in it that humans think of as 'demons', right?"

I nod my head in response. Gosh, I know where this is going but I'll let him talk just for a little payback.

"Well, you're one of those 'demons'. You're a witch, and that's rare nowadays in any part of this world. As far as I know, there are only about 10 known witches in the world."

Okay well, that's shocking. 

"The witches were wiped out the humans in the past 30 years. But that just about the witches, you need to know about me and Evelyn. My name is Leo Valgerd and I'm a werewolf."

That explains the ears, teeth, and tail. But why doesn't he shift to look fully human?

"In my clan or pack, whatever you want to call it, I'm the 3rd prince."

"What about your ears? If your a werewolf shouldn't you be able to shift to look fully human?" I voice my question, ignoring what he just said.

"Ah well that is because I have a super rare disease, it only happens to someone after the previous one with it dies. I just happen to be born sometime after he died, it's not deadly or anything just that the said person with the disease can't shift fully to look human, the ears, teeth, and tail stay."

I nod so he can continue. I think that he's gonna talk about Evelyn now. 

"And finally moving onto Evelyn. Well, how do I put this?" He looks down in thought. "Well she's a demon too, but one that is much more feared. Ah, screw this."

Wow for being the '3rd prince' he sure doesn't talk like one, but then neither does Evelyn. But this is amusing to watch.

"She's a vampire."

I want to play with him a little so I raise my brow to question him. "What's a vampire?"

He looks at me like I have two heads while also saying 'How doesn't she know what a vampire is!?' 

"Well, they are also known as creatures of the night. To the humans, they are ruthless creatures that kill everyone to drink their blood. They need to drink blood to live."

Just to mess with him I stand up and start to spaz out. Hey I'm gonna be bored the rest of the day otherwise I need something to do for the day, and messing with him seems to be the only option I have for fun. 

"Haha, no you're just messing with me." I stand and thank the gods that I have good acting skills. "There is no such thing, and I bet that you're ears are not real either." But I am really curious as to what they feel like to this is the perfect time to test. 

I walk right over to him sitting on the bench making sure that I put some hesitation into my steps to add to the effect that I don't believe in any of this stuff. 

As I reach out to feel his ears, he doesn't stop me. So he does believe that I don't know anything about the supernatural world. I make sure that I hesitate a little bit before I touch his ears.

When I touch the all I can think of is, 'Wow they are soft.' It's what I imagine what a fluffy white cloud would feel like. 

I go back to sit down.

"Oh, by the way, I know all about that stuff." I turn around to look at him. "I got a little information on that yesterday, but I was really curious as to what your ears felt like." 

He suddenly started to blush, and I could tell because of his paler skin and white hair. 

"But-You- Why would you do that!?" He was flustered and I found it cute.

I just started to laugh at him. "Because I was really curious as to what your ears felt like and that was the perfect time to try to touch them."

In the end, we talked all day while doing chores and making food. By the night's fall, I fell asleep on the couch. 


So this chapter was about a hundred words longer than my other chapters but I wanted to finish out the filler chapter and so I just kept going. The next chapter will have Evelyn in it and explain who Leo is better. 

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