Chapter 27: Villagers

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Warning: Mentions of blood, death, and gore. 


I watch him fade away until nothing is left. I, of course, have to stay until morning when my body will wake up and I can leave. 

I wander around camp until I spot my mother helping move some blankets and tent building materials. I go to help her, and when she spots me she excuses herself from the group and greets me.

"Jacqueline, my daughter. How are you?" She pulls me into a hug, "I haven't seen you for ages. Tell me, why is that?"

She steers me back to her tent so I can explain it to her in private. 

"Well, before I can here with Thero my the second time, we had a big battle at Mina's home village." I look to her and she nods in understanding, "Well, before we got Thero to join our side he was part of the battle that killed her," she opens her mouth to say something but I finish my sentence, "and also me." She looks at me in disbelief.

"Well, how is this possible then? If you both died how are you here and your sister is a ghost?"

Wait, how did she know that my sister is a ghost? Well, nevermind that at the moment, I need to tell her how I'm still here. I smile at her showing her my teeth. She gasps and falls back into her seat, and looks at me in concern. 

"Who did this?" She seems angry as she continues, "Who turned you, and have you drank any blood?" 

I don't want to answer her, but I would be better off, in the long run, telling her everything.

"The daughter of Henry and Julia Kala, Evelyn Kala. My girlfriend." She seems like she's about to blast me to kingdom come, but I hold eye contact and answer her second question, "And yes, I have drunk blood. I'm part vampire and witch, so with some things I can do it like a human, but others, including sleep, I'm more like a vampire." Her expression softens a little bit.

"Your only half vampire?" She's more amazed than angry now. 

"Yes, only half. Why?"

"Because this has never been done before. I mean there have been trials before but none of them were successful. How did it happen, tell me all the details." 

I'm a little worried about my mother now, so I tell her how it happened, even when I was in limbo with Mina. 

"Amazing." She walks out of the tent and returns only a few seconds later. "I've called for both the witches and elves top researchers on this matter to come to this tent, they'll be here shortly." 

Not even fifteen minutes later three people arrive in the tent. I recognize one of them as the leader of the elves, Elwin Philen, his knee-length white hair was braided down his back today and the other two I didn't recognize. 

"Jacqueline, these are the top two researchers in that field. Now tell them everything that you told me."


I flop back into a chair and sigh, heavily. They talked to me for over thirty minutes asking me questions like 'What kind of things are the same now that you're half vampire, what's different.' I was ready to beat the crap out of them. 

My mother seems happy, but at the same time, she seems sad. 

She dismisses Elwin so I decided that now is as good a time to ask if something is wrong. 

"Mother," she turns to me, "is there something wrong?" 

"Not now dear, maybe the next time you're here I'll tell you, but for now go find your friends."

I wake up with a start that even scares Masami. She realizes that there is no danger so she walks up to my lap. curls up, and starts to snooze the day away. I just sigh, and smile, at her and begin to pack the few things that fell out of my bag when I went to sleep. 

I finish packing and carefully pack Masami away in the top of the bag, making sure I tell her that we'll be running the last few miles. I release my spell over the entrance of the cave and step out into the fresh, crisp, morning air. I want to jog for a little while to enjoy the morning air, but while I'm jogging I notice the smell of blood. I turn my path to follow the scent of the blood, and it leads me to a small clearing. 

The sight of what is there is horrifying. Even for me, a doctor and a vampire. There must be seven bodies laying around and even more that are in pieces. The smell of the blood is overwhelming, and I almost faint when I recognize a few of the faces in the group. 

It's the group of people that attacked us when we were at Mina's village. The villagers of Shroudpass. 

Masami either smelled the blood or she senses my distress because she comes out of the bag and grows to her full size. I just ignore her and begin to check the bodies for causes of death. I turn over every whole body, the wounds look like giant bite marks. All the bodies and body pieces have big canine bite marks. 

I can't have just been normal wolves, with them being vampires they would have easily won against them, so it had to have been werewolves. I need to get out of here, if they killed this many then I could be easily killed, and they have the right to kill me I'm in their territory. 

But, I can't leave them here like this, I know some of them. I've even helped some before they knew I was a witch. I quickly get to work digging graves with Masami's help. Just as I finish putting the bodies into the graves I hear a low growl near me.


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