Chapter 10: War?

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The walk to the castle hadn't been as long as I thought it would be, but it seemed like forever. 

I still didn't know where Leo had gone, but as I'm walking through the gate to the castle I could understand why he didn't come. 

While walking through the halls of the castle I could feel eyes staring holes into my back. "Jacqueline I have to go. They will lead you to my parents throne room, I don't know what they'll do to you but be strong and don't show them any reason to hate you." 

I just nod under my big hood that still covers my head. I keep my head down until we reach the big doors. As the guards open the doors I take the hood down and hold my head high. 

I walk up to the thrones, and take a knee. "Your majesty's." 

"Rise." A feminine voice says softly. 

"We have gotten word from our guards that you have been hanging around our daughter." The man's booming voice resonates throughout the room. 

I look at them. I can't describe them because they are wearing masks and big robes. "Yes, that is true."

"Do you care to explain how to came to know our daughter?" He questions me.

Just so I don't keep them waiting I immediately answer, "Four days ago my village chased me out, buring my house in the process. When they spotted me they chased me into the woods, and I got lost for about 20 hours." I paused. "After that time I seen one of the towers to this castle. That's when I meet your daughter, Evelyn." 

"What did you do after that?" The Queens voice is soft, and gentle. 

"Well, your highness, after I met her I had passed out from hunger and fatigue. When I woke she had carried me to that house that the guards followed her too. That's all." I bow my head. 

"Well that is a wonderful story, but that is all it is. A story." I snap my head up to find the king right in front of my face. 

"Why are you filling my daughters head with lies you witch!" Under his mask I can see pure red eyes shining through, each word filled with rage.

"What do you mean?" I question him not backing down.

He grabs me by my throat and holds me up, off the ground. 

"We started the war with with the humans just so we could wipe your existence off this Earth! Yet you are still here!" His fingers dig into my neck. He unbuttons the cloak and it falls to the floor. 

I try to scream but I can't, his hand has closed off my throat. 

"Although I don't think I will kill you." He pulls me down and places his mouth near my neck. "I think I will make you suffer." 

I feel excruciating pain radiate from my neck. I still can't scream to show my pain, and kicking him would be useless. 

I can feel my strength starting to leave my body, my vision going black. 

The last thing that I hear before the darkness takes over is the sound of both the king and queen laughing. 


My body is cold and numb, yet I feel heat radiating from something. 

I try to open my eyes, but that's to much of a chore, so I settle with moving my fingers over what I feel the heat radiating from. 

"Shh. Don't move yet, go back to sleep. We're almost safe." The voice seems so far off that I can't tell who it's coming from. 

I don't want to sleep but the heat that I feel is lulling me back to sleep, so I accept it and, once again, fall into the world of darkness. 


Waking up seems like a chore so I just stay laying down on the bed. I don't know when or how I got into a bed, but I am not going to complain.

"What the hell happened to her Evelyn!" Leo's raging voice echoes throughout the room.

"Shh! You might wake her." Evelyn's soothing voice reaches my ears. 

"I know, I'm sorry." I hear him sigh. "We have to move up the timeline. It'll still take maybe two years, but what will we do about her?" I hear footsteps come towards the bed. "We'll just have to wait until she gets better. We can't leave her alone with what happen yesterday." 

I try to open my eyes, as trying as it is.

"Jacqueline?" I feel pressure on my cheek. 

I open my my eyes just to shut them again. I try again after a few seconds. 

"Evelyn?" My voice comes out horsley, like I gargled nails. 

"Shh. Don't talk, your throat has been put through enough." She looks like she's about to cry. 

"I am so sorry!" She leans down and puts her forehead against mine. "I didn't know that about my father! I had no clue that they would do that to you!" I can feel the tears hitting my face. 

I myself feel like crying, but I know that if I do I won't be able to stop. So instead I hold it in, and reach an arm around Evelyn. 

At some point Lep must have left the room because he returned with a tray of food. 

"Here eat. You need to with how you look." I try to shift my body to tell Evely that I'm trying to sit up. 

She gets the message and helps me up. She then leaves the room, mumbling something under her voice. 

Leo just sighs and gives me the tray. "I'm afraid to ask," I take a bite. "but how bad do I look?" 

He freezes, then goes to a dresser and retrieves a mirror. 

"You don't look the greatest, but you did ask." He hands me the mirror. 

My god, I look horrible. My skin was already on the paler side, but now I look even more pale. My purple eyes have lost their shine and look dull and muted, and my hair looks flat and lifeless. Although I'm scared to do so, I angle the mirror to look at the right side of my neck. 

The area around the bite is bright red and swollen. Guess I'm going to have another scar. 


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