Chapter 15: Fading

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Warning: chapter will contain blood, gore, and foul language. 

P.S. warning: I really suck at fighting scenes so this might seem rushed, maybe, with time, I will get better at writing them. 


I don't want to question anything right now, because right now we have a major fight with vampires. 

I take out my whips and ready myself for my strongest spell, but once I use it this fight needs to be finished within fifteen minutes. 

"Delendis rit conferatur!" I emphasize the spell with the crack of my whips against the ground. The snow that it had hit flies up and turns into dust. 

Some of the ten plus vampires that were charging me turn away and choose someone else as their target, leaving me with about five vampires to kill. 

Because the vampires are "living" it might take maybe two or three hits to the chest or head to take them down. 

As I turn to face one of them, two others charge at me. I manage to hit one of them twice in the chest and head and they turn into dust that flies at me. The other one that was also charging me lunges at me with what seems like his hands covered in spikes. 

I barely manage to dodge the attack, but not enough. His claws graze my left leg earning a yelp of pain from me. He seems happy and brings his blood covered hand to his mouth and licks the blood from it. His eyes go wide with, what seems like, surprise. 

"Oh, I like how you taste, I think I'll keep you as a slave." He grins, wickedly. I throw him a smug smile, and reply, "You're not the first person to say that, and I doubt you'll be the last. But hey, you're welcomed to try." 

He growls at me and charges me again, but I'm ready for him. I bring one of my whips forward and wrap them around him, I spin in a circle on my good leg to keep him away from me. After three hits he turns into dust, and because of the sudden weight loss on one end of the whip, I lose balance and fall on my ass. 

Finally, I'm down to three attackers. They don't look like they would be that strong in a fight, but I have learned to never underestimate your opponent. 

As I'm wrapping my whip around one and hitting another I realize that these people seem a little familiar. As I throw the one into the tree I remember that these are some of the people from my old home, they're the villagers.

Instead of killing the final two I decide to talk to them, "Are you guys from the village of Shroudpass?" 

"So what if we are, bitch," he spits the 'bitch' part at me, "We should have killed you just like your mother, but your father kept you a secret from the whole town for so long."

The other one chimes in. "After we chased you out we thought that we would never hear anything about you ever again, but then a man came ten months ago saying that you attacked the neighboring village, killing everyone," he starts to close the distance between us. "He offered us a way to kill you, and save his daughter from you. Many people wanted to go out to find you and finish you off, but he said only a selected few could go. So from the many volunteers, he picked the ones that you see now." 

Just as I raise my weapons to attack him again I hear a blood-chilling scream from on the battlefield. I turn scanning, around the battlefield to find the source of the scream so as I turn to Evelyn's battle I see her take a spear to the shoulder by this Dimitri guy. 

"Evelyn!" I yell her name. I'm starting to get exhausted because of the high-level spell I'm using but because of the scene I just witnessed I'm filled with a new-found energy. 

I start to run over to Evelyn's fight, taking out the last two vampires as quickly as I can. My mind is so focused on this Dimitri guy, that I became oblivious to the scream of my sister behind me. 

I bring both of my whips forward, and with as much force as I can bring them both forward right into his chest. He goes down, but it wasn't enough to kill him so I bring them up for another attack, but as I bring my whips back up above my head to strike him down I feel an unnatural pain. 

I drop my arms and whips and look down. My mind is beginning to fog over with pain and all I can think is that I failed. I failed everyone. I wasn't strong enough. 

Just below my left breast was a sword, sticking out of me. As I'm losing conscience I turn to see who did it. The person that did it was someone that I wasn't expecting to. The man that did it was the child from my village, the one who's father I helped. 


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